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The Best Way to Learn Survivalist Skills

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To be prepared to survive, you’ll need to know certain skills and if you have some survivalist skills already, you’ll want to hone those skills. You want to make sure that you’re prepared to live off the grid if you have to.

Gaining the skills that you need can come from a variety of different sources. Some people prefer to take the do-it-yourself approach to learning survival skills – so they set out to learn from other survivalists.

The way to do that is to join forums where you’ll find men and women with different levels of experience. On the forums, you can learn the best ways to purify the water you’ll need.

You can learn what shelter means are necessary. The people involved will discuss the best products to put in your bug out bag and which products don’t pan out. You’ll gain a wealth of knowledge from the sharking of their expertise.

Many of these forums will also allow users to post how-to videos so that you’ll get a visual on how to perform certain survival tasks. While the majority of these forums are free to join, you’ll find a few of them that do have membership fees and some ask for donations.

Retreats are also a great way to learn survival skills. In some states, you’ll find groups that hold retreats in order to learn survival skills. These retreats are great for teaching the basics – like how to set up a camp – and they use different levels of preparedness in the retreat.

People will learn how to survive for days, weeks and then months. Besides teaching the basics like how to survive for a few days, these retreats teach long term survival. By going on a professional retreat, you’ll learn how to plant a garden that will sustain you and your family.

You’ll learn which items you absolutely must have and how to live completely off the land. You’ll learn how to handle evacuation scenarios and how to build up your supplies in order to survive. These retreats cater to families, groups, and individuals who want to learn survival skills.

Courses in survival are another method some people like to take. You can find courses online that will teach you survival. The courses you’ll need to take are taught at survival school.

You’ll get the training you need in a hands-on approach. You can choose to take these courses in various time formats. The courses are offered from a week to a month in length.

You can find courses that will take a stringent, just-the-basics approach where customers can’t bring a tent or even a backpack but will learn how to survive using just what nature provides.

Some people choose to prepare their survival skills by using more than one learning approach and end up joining forums as well as going on a retreat before gearing up for a hands-on survival course.

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Posted March 21st, 2021 in Survival.

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