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Data Entry Jobs ? Enjoy The Freedom At Home

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So it is looking like I might be leaving Venezuela soon and I am starting to wonder what I am going to do for money when I get back. I spent a ton to come down here and now most of it has disappeared as I paid my credit card bills with bank accounts that had no money coming in. I won’t need too much immediately as I will be going to law school and getting financial aid. However I am eventually going to need some cash.

During law school it is hard to find a job that will be flexible enough to understand a law students schedule; one that will let you move around you hours based on classes and exams. So I was thinking about it and wondering if I could find a data entry job part time. You know one that will pay me for the work I get done and I can do it at my pace. Ideally they could give me a certain amount of work for a week and I could just do it that week when I get a chance, but as long as I did it I would get paid.
There have to be data entry lobs like this out there. Okay so they probably don’t pay as well as the other more steady ones but they would still pay. If these types of data entry jobs prove impossible to find maybe I will simply do what all my friends threatened to do when college got to tough; stuff envelopes or fill out online surveys. Hey I am going to be a poor struggling law student, I am not to proud to stuff envelopes, I will just have to invest in a lot of bandaids.

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Posted June 22nd, 2021 in Earn Money Online.

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