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Q&A: What programs that are accepted in Texas for an online LVN – RN bridge program?

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Question by : What programs that are accepted in Texas for an online LVN – RN bridge program?
I am looking at nursing programs, and if I become an LVN I want to make sure their is an online program that I can take that is accepted in Texas. Please any info. Would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by silvana schuchardt
I have a lot of respect for nurses, they have a difficult job, but still many people are attracted to this vocation. I stumbled upon some good tips on the website in the box below, it aided my sister to set out on the road to becoming a nurse, she is in her inaugural year of training now.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Posted July 21st, 2012 in Online Rn Programs. Tagged: , , , , , .


  1. OB Nurse Juli:

    Most community colleges will offer general education classes online, but you cannot do lab sciences and nursing courses online.

    Check your local community college and see what classes they have available to take online.

    Don’t be swayed by those “be a practical nurse in less than a year” or “get a nursing degree online” ads from expensive for-profit schools. They aren’t accredited and you won’t be able to take the NCLEX-PN to become an LVN, so in turn, you cannot become an RN if you unwisely choose a school like that.

  2. Moon Crystal:

    There are no legit programs for people who aren’t LNs (licensed nurse) to become an LN. There are bridging programs once you are an LPN/LVN to become an RN or to even get your BSN.

    This website has a pretty good list of the LPN to RN programs listed by state.

    It’s not entirely accurate, so cross reference it with what your state’s board of nursing’s approved programs lists.

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