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February 22nd 2007 Special Guest GIL busted this 1st 2007 Baseball card product of 2007….
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Posted February 12th, 2012 in Topps Card. Tagged: , , , .


  1. brooklyndodgers129:

    Shit that was a waist? of my life damnt ……..

  2. brooklyndodgers129:

    Shit? !

  3. brooklyndodgers129:

    Ha Andrew miller turned into shut !?

  4. xGODLYxSKiLLeDx666x:

    @TheBackstopDOTnet you? still have baseball cards

  5. 00nate10:

    @1SlyZombie looking to sell miguel cabrera? topps pack wars 2004 autograph know anyone interested?

  6. 00nate10:

    looking to sell miguel? cabrera and jayson bay certfied autographs are you interested

  7. wavnut:

    Is there a wonderbread card in? this video?

  8. bigslugger99:

    hahahah? look at 7:08

  9. 7oh2:

    I pulled that card out of a Blaster box? of cards. its pretty cool

  10. cash8810dc:

    im only 13 years old? but iv ben collection baseball cards ever since i can remember i would always have to open my cards with people around i usuly opean my cards in da car or while im playing mlb the show 4 good luck

  11. JeffHardyRulez188:


  12. Chrisjoe12409:

    Did? gill get the Jeter Bush Mantel card out of that box

  13. lydelli2004:

    i remember my old man (RIP) whom freaked out when he started to see commericials from card companies on television. He told me to get out because there would be too much supply, unlike his topps collecting days when his Mickey Mantles and Roberto Clamentes are still? worth hundreds.

  14. lydelli2004:

    it was worth $120 in becketts and at card shops in the early to late 90’s. When ebay opened, the? world realized there was too much supply and demand went down.

  15. marxbroths:

    why is that card? worth nothing now??

  16. marxbroths:

    yeah i know? utley cards are going like crazy

  17. lydelli2004:

    i don’t know, i just bust open the packs now and if i don’t get? a chase i give the cards to some kid or just leave them at the shop…

  18. lydelli2004:

    i feel? your pain man, i used to think the baseball cards i bought every week from my $5 allowance was gold… when i got older i realized in two days of work, i made more money than i could sell all my cards combined. my prized ken griffey upper deck rookie pull is but a fraction of what i felt it was work in the mid 90’s.

  19. skatepunkzero:

    I remember the late 90’s when everyone spent 1000s on baseball cards from the 80s 70s 60s 50s and any card befor that was worth over a 1000. I have a 57 Mickey Mantle that I paid $3000 dollars for back in 99(a steal back then)? now its worth nothing.

  20. lydelli2004:

    don’t waste your money, mine? that i spend thousands of dollars on from the 80’s are worthless

  21. katiekoep:

    were can you get theese cards.i am a 11 years old baseball card colecter and i need more cards?

  22. KcCollectibles:

    I think theese? cards were Horrible Bad Job Topps

  23. Cena5454:

    i have the? whole set

  24. Puppies47:

    i? have the series1 set

  25. baseball275:


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