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Archive for the ‘Earn Money Online’ Category

Dressing mirrors

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The practice of self examination is very important in life of every individual. This practice should be continued on regular basis. It leads a road to personality development. The two major aspects of personality development program are refinement of behavior and refinement in outward looks. One needs to improve one’s behavior and external personality for developing one’s personality in a positive manner.

The external look of an individual makes the first impression on other individuals so, one should work on the improvement one’s outward look. Everyone is best judge of his or her personality. One would like to see oneself in mirror before moving out in the outer world and exposing one self to others. This practice fills one with self confidence and also helps in having a clear idea about one’s looks. All these things make the availability of mirror essential in every home.

Floor standing dressing mirrors are very good to have a full view of one’s looks. You can see a clear and complete reflection of your outward looks in a floor standing dressing mirror. You can find a unique and designer lot of dressing mirrors on at most affordable prices.

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Don’t Quit Your Day Job!

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Ever heard someone try to sing who isn’t a very good singer? Or someone try to tell jokes who isn’t really very good at being a comedian? That’s when you’ll often hear the saying, “don’t quit your day job!”

This article is about something different. We are assuming that you ARE qualified to do whatever it is that you are currently doing, though you may not be as happy in your current occupation as you would like to be.

Among the top 5 questions that I am asked, or issues that are raised by people I talk to, is whether or not someone should quit their job to work a home based business. Or, if they are currently out of work, whether they should try to make a go of working their business fulltime as opposed to looking for employment and/or going back to work.

In most cases the answer is, categorically, no! But, not always… Let’s take a look.

Though many people get themselves into trouble by placing too much confidence in their ability to earn income from their newfound home business too soon, fortunately there are some very simple guidelines that you can use when considering such decisions.

1. Are you earning at least as much, if not more, in your home based business as you are in your current occupation?

If not, then you should really think twice before trying to venture out and quitting your job.

2. How long have you been working your business, and how long has the company been around?

Both are important factors. According to readily available statistics, such as from the SBA (Small Business Administration), most businesses fail within the first 5 years. Further, especially in network marketing, most new companies are out of business within a year or two. If you are pinning your future on a brand new company, that’s probably not a very wise approach, especially if you don’t have money saved up, as we’ll discuss below. Similar factors apply to you. The more business experience you have and the longer you’ve been at it, the greater the likelihood that you too will be able to pass the test of time. If you are brand new to working your own business then you should probably allow some time before deciding to quit your current job.

3. How much do you have in liquid or readily accessible savings that you can use for living expenses?

Most financial planners and experts agree that you should have enough liquid savings to cover, at minimum, 3 months of living expenses and overhead. And 6 months to a year, or more, is even better.

In addition to the above, by all means always remember NOT to plan your future without a job on what you “hope” your home business will do, as opposed to already having a proven track record that demonstrates how much money you can reliably expect your business to put into your bank account.

Especially if you are new to being involved in a home business then it can be difficult really visualize what lay ahead. But, if you consider things from a standpoint with which you are already familiar, such as a job, it will be easier to understand. For instance, let’s say that you currently work as a Senior Administrative Assistant and you decide that you would like a career change and you want to become a surgical nurse. Would you realistically expect to be earning money from that new occupation any time in the near future? Probably not. You would need to go to school, or back to school, perhaps for years, to be trained and prepared for entry into your new chosen profession.

This analogy seems obvious when applied to a job, but for some reason many people feel that they can simply jump into a new home business, with no prior experience, no training, etc., and make an immediate go of it. However, doesn’t it only make sense that if you are going to become involved in starting a new business that, likewise, you will need to undergo the proper training, and that there will be a learning curve, etc.?

True, a certain small percentage of people do manage to create instant success, and a fulltime income, even starting a new business with no prior experience. But, those are the exceptions rather than the rule.

Most people working toward success in a home business will at the very least undergo a learning curve, will very likely experience some struggles along the way, and may very well end up spending or losing sizeable amounts of time and money before becoming profitable and creating a sustainable income. The more information and training you gather along the way the more likely you are to be successful, fasters, and with fewer headaches. But, even if you do well, it is still unrealistic to expect to create a fulltime income immediately starting from scratch.

Near the beginning of this article I cited a commonly known statistic about business failure rates. Another equally well known fact that you can likewise easily confirm via many sources, including the SBA (Small Business Administration), is that near the top of the list as reasons for business failure are a lack of capital and cash flow. In other words, not enough money. Knowing this, you would be especially wise to include your current employment, or some kind of regular employment that produces a steady paycheck, into your business planning.

Once you actually start making a profit in your home business, and you have a track record, then you can start planning your budget and your future according to what you realistically expect to earn each month in your business. However, until you get to that point you “business” operating budget realistically has to come either from the money that you earn in your current occupation, or from savings, or both. Quitting your job prematurely, or choosing not to seek employment when you have no other source of regular income, in the hopes that you will earn enough from your home business is, in most cases, a recipe for disaster unless you’ve followed guidelines similar to those discussed here.

You can find more articles on what to do when you are first starting your home business at We have an RSS feed that adds new articles on starting your own home business as well as tips when you are already knee deep in entrepreneur enterprise.

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Don’t Pay Online Free Paid Surveys, Make Online Surveys Pay You!

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Free Paid Surveys
Everyday, new products and services are entering the marketplace. And before a company will spend billions of dollars on marketing, its owners need to know how much demand there is for their product and what people think of what they are trying to sell. These companies will pay good money to learn your opinion about their products and services. As a survey taker you can make several hundred to several thousand dollars a month working from home and setting your own hours.

Working on free paid surveys is fun easy work that lets you set your own hours and pace. You may choose to work for thirty minutes before you go to bed each night. Or you may decide to work on your surveys while you are waiting for your kids to come home from school in the afternoons. You may even decide to take a few weeks off from survey taking altogether. In any case, working on free paid surveys allows you to be your own boss in deciding how much work you want to do and how much money you want to make.

There are several websites out there that offer access to paid surveys from marketing companies. Some may ask you to sign up and pay an initiation or enrollment fee to have access to these surveys. But don’t get scammed into paying a fee to work on paid surveys. Businesses are looking for the opinions of average individuals, not just those with money to spare on application fees. So most companies will pay the website directly to be notified of customers that are willing to complete a paid survey. If you really want to make money on the internet while voicing your opinion, completing free paid surveys is one of the oldest and most proven way of doing it.

You may be wondering how you will be paid for this type of work. Payment may be in the form of a company check, mailed directly to you, or via an online service such as PayPal. Depending upon the company you sign up with, you may be paid by the market research company that is conducting the survey, or by the company that developed the survey. Just be sure you know the exact terms of each survey before completing the assignment.

The best part about working on free paid surveys is that you are in complete control of when, where, and how much you work. This is the perfect opportunity for anyone who is interested in making some extra cash, from stay at home parents, to college students, to seniors. You can complete surveys as many surveys as you want in your spare time, working at your own pace and in the environment of your choosing. If you are looking for a way to make some extra cash while keeping hours that are flexible, then completing free paid surveys may be the perfect job opportunity for you! The link below will send you to a website where you will have access to several different free paid surveys.

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Don’t Get Scammed

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It seems these days that everyone wants to start a part time business. We all want to find ways to bring in some extra money. The rising acceptance and popularity of Internet commerce has also created an explosion of scam artists and online business schemes.

You’ve probably seen lots of ads claiming that it’s easy to make big money on the Internet. Some tell you that all you have to do is put up their free website and watch your bank account grow with no effort on your part. But the truth is that websites don’t make money by themselves. You have to sell a product or service, and you have to have a way to find large numbers of visitors for the site.

Others declare that you can own your own successful “business” if you just follow their secret system. They post long ads about all the benefits and wonderful features you’ll receive only if you buy their method. These ads usually go on and on about the supposed value of all the different components that are included before finally letting you know what their “bargain” price actually is. With many of these programs, the only thing you get for your money is instructions on how to put up your own ads doing the same thing to other people.

If you’re looking for ways to get something for nothing, there’s no end to the schemes you can try. Most of them are cons, many of them are illegal, and few of them make any money ? except for the one who starts it.

Another popular rip-off is the so-called work at home job opening. Although there are some legitimate job offers and telecommuting opportunities available, many of these are also cons designed to separate you from your money.

So how do you tell the difference? There are a couple of ways. First you can look carefully at the ad itself. Does it try to use fantasy or emotion to create some idyllic image in your mind? Is it skimpy on the specific details of the offer or the price? This is one clue that the offer is not what it seems.

Another thing to watch out for is cost. An actual work at home employment offer will not ask for money. You don’t have to buy a list, or purchase instructions. And you also don’t have to send money to get the details of the offer. A real job offer will include contact information for the company doing the hiring. They will ask you about your experience and qualifications just like any other job. They won’t claim that “anyone can do it”.

Use your common sense when considering any offer for home-based work or businesses. The old adage is true: If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Take for example the two popular scams of envelope stuffing and home product assembly. Why would a legitimate company incur the expense of shipping items and paying you to do something that can be easily and cheaply done on site with automation or their own regular employees? Avoid these offers.

The same guideline applies to business offers. If it’s that easy, they don’t need you to do it for them, except as an additional channel to peddle their product and produce profits for them. A real business takes real products and services, and real work. All of the offers you see aren’t scams, but most are ? so make sure to always carefully evaluate all the facts.

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Doing What Comes Naturally In Your Home Business

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No, this is not going to be a racy article, but it is a valid comparison of the topic at hand. For those who are native English speakers, that phrase in my title usually has to do with reproduction. That’s a topic I want to discuss with you in your home business.

When I got started thinking about my home business, I came from a technical background. I got to thinking about all the complex ways I would leverage my skills and setup a marketing system for my home business that would be ….well in my opinion, genius.

I got to figuring out all of how I was going to put this system together, and then it dawned on me as I was listening to a trainer in the home business area. This trainer was making the point that when attracting people to your home business, they have to see at least two things right from the beginning: The first is abbreviated like a radio station ? WIIFM ? or What’s in it for Me?

The second thing people want to see is that they can do it too! It hit me at that point that if I was working on some great marketing system that took a lot of the skills I have been blessed with, then it would require someone with at least as much technical skill as me to reproduce what I had done.

That’s why I picked the title. Reproduction is vital to many home businesses that are leveraged or networked. Whatever system you use for your home business, if you want others to join in and have success, then they have to be able to reproduce what you have done.

Whatever system you have for marketing your business opportunity has to be reproducible. Not only is it not a good idea to use some very complex technical system, it is also a bad idea to invest some huge amount of money into marketing, and then expect to attract people into your home business that want to be able to do it with little money.

If you haven’t yet joined a home business opportunity, be aware of the process you go through when you learn about one and decide if it is for you. Look for one that has a very reproducible system for growing your home business. If you can find that, then you have more of a mass appeal to many people from all walks of life and economic statuses.

No matter how good a product is, or how great a compensation plan offered, make sure every part of this home business opportunity is reproducible by the type of people you are looking to as your market. From marketing to enrolling to training ? the best system is easy to use, and won’t scare people away or discourage them. Keep looking, there are many reproducible businesses out there!

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Do You Want To Make Money Online?

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? Jon Viney, 2006

There are actually many different ways to make money online. Some of them are obviously more lucrative than others, however. Also, there are many scams for supposedly making money online that don’t really work, and you end up losing money.

As a general rule, if the online money making opportunity asks for money, it is probably not a good thing. Legitimate ways to make money online will not ask you for money to get the job. The only exception to this is for home businesses. Many home businesses require an upfront investment from you. If you decide that a home business is the best way to go for making money online, then you will probably have to spend some money to get started. However, many people have been very successful with home businesses.

One way that people are making money online is by having several different income streams. This means that you do a bunch of things online that make a little bit of money, which turns out to be a reasonable amount of money when you add them all up. For instance, some people fill out surveys, do some writing, read emails, sell things on Ebay or even do affiliate marketing. These are all ways to have multiple streams of income making money online.

There are actual jobs available online. However, there is a lot of competition for them. Telecommuting from home is one of the best ways for making money online. You need to have an excellent resume and to do a lot of research to find the companies that are hiring people with your skills.

As with any way to make money, the best way of making money online is to follow your passions. First find something you love to do, then find a way to use it for making money online.

You also need to consider your time commitment. Find a way to make money online that won’t take up all of your spare time if you are already working a full time job.

Once you have determined how you plan to make money online, spend the time you need. Many people start an online business but lose interest and quit. Find a business that you love so you want to stay with it. Finding a way to do what you love is the best way to make money online.

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Do You Listen to your Child?

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Communicating with our children can be a difficult task at times. We feel like they’re not listening to us; they feel like we’re not listening to them. Good listening and communications skills are essential to successful parenting. Your child’s feelings, views and opinions have worth, and you should make sure you take the time to sit down and listen openly and discuss them honestly.

It seems to be a natural tendency to react rather than to respond. We pass judgment based on our own feelings and experiences. However, responding means being receptive to our child’s feelings and emotions and allowing them to express themselves openly and honestly without fear of repercussion from us. By reacting, we send our child the message that their feelings and opinions are invalid. But by responding and asking questions about why the child feels that way, it opens a dialog that allows them to discuss their feelings further, and allows you a better understanding of where they’re coming from. Responding also gives you an opportunity to work out a solution or a plan of action with your child that perhaps they would not have come up with on their own. Your child will also appreciate the fact that maybe you do indeed understand how they feel.

It’s crucial in these situations to give your child your full and undivided attention. Put down your newspaper, stop doing dishes, or turn off the television so you can hear the full situation and make eye contact with your child. Keep calm, be inquisitive, and afterwards offer potential solutions to the problem.

Don’t discourage your child from feeling upset, angry, or frustrated. Our initial instinct may be to say or do something to steer our child away from it, but this can be a detrimental tactic. Again, listen to your child, ask questions to find out why they are feeling that way, and then offer potential solutions to alleviate the bad feeling.

Just as we do, our children have feelings and experience difficult situations. By actively listening and participating with our child as they talk about it, it demonstrates to them that we do care, we want to help and we have similar experiences of our own that they can draw from. Remember, respond – don’t react.

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Do You Know What To Do When Your Baby Cries?

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Crying is a physiological process in the life of a baby. All normal babies cry to communicate with others. Since they can’t express their feelings in words crying is the only way for communication. If any uncomfortable feeling comes they simply cry.

Normally babies cry in situations like hunger,when wet, too hot or cold, tight clothes, pain ect. Some kids need the presence of somebody otherwise will cry simply. Crying without any cause is habitual in some babies. Even though crying is considered as normal it may worry the family members. Since the reasons for crying ranges from simple causes to serious causes it should not be ignored and hence exact cause has to be identified and managed accordingly.

The following are some points which should be considered while dealing with a crying baby.

1. It is dangerous to shake the baby vigorously.

2. Tight clothes can cause irritation hence it should be removed.

3. If the room is hot put the fan and open the windows.

4. If the nappy is wet remove it, and after cleaning dry with a soft towel.

5. Pat her back or stroke her head slowly and let her here your soothing sound.

6. Give breast milk to make them quiet.

7. If the climate is cold cover her in soft towel.

8. Rock her gently in your arms and walk slowly in the room.

9. Take a music making doll and let her listen.

10. Try a pacifier or help her for thumb sucking.

11. If no response change her position.

12. Walk outdors with her.

13. Put her on the cradle and rock gently.

14. If no response ask somebody to carry the baby.

Even after all these steps the baby goes on crying see the following signs.
( Probable cause is given after every sign)

1. Press her abdomen gently,she may twist or resist you:—Colic

2. Pull her ear gently she may become worse or push your hands away:—Ear ache.

3. Feel her temperature with the back of your hands:–Fever due to any infection.

4. Examine the skin from head to foot:–Eruptive disease,nappy rash,measles,vesicles,allergy ect.

5. See the nose for any discharge:–Coryza.

6. Move the head gently to feel any neck stiffness:–Meningitis,head injury ect.

7. Keep your ear near her chest to hear any rattling sound:–Increased mucus in wind pipes.

(pneumonia,bronchiolitis,asthamatic bronchitis etc.)

8. Examine the anal orifice:–Anal erosion,rectal polyp,crawling of worms.

9. Examine the genitalia:–Any discharge or erosion.

10. In male baby see the testicles which may be swollen or tender: –Orchitis,torsion of testes.

11. Also notice the body movements and see for any convulsions, rigors, vomiting, cough,laboured breathing etc.

If you see the above signs, or any other abnormal signs consult your doctor for proper treatement immediately.

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Do You Know What To Do If Your Identity Is Stolen?

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Filing a police report, checking your credit reports, notifying creditors, and disputing any unauthorized transactions are some of the steps you must take immediately to restore your good name.

Should you file a police report if your identity is stolen?

A police report that provides specific details of the identity theft is considered an Identity Theft Report, which entitles you to certain legal rights when it is provided to the three major credit reporting agencies or to companies where the thief misused your information. An Identity Theft Report can be used to permanently block fraudulent information that results from identity theft, such as accounts or addresses, from appearing on your credit report. It will also make sure these debts do not reappear on your credit reports. Identity Theft Reports can prevent a company from continuing to collect debts that result from identity theft, or selling them to others for collection. An Identity Theft Report is also needed to place an extended fraud alert on your credit report.

You may not need an Identity Theft Report if the thief made charges on an existing account and you have been able to work with the company to resolve the dispute. Where an identity thief has opened new accounts in your name, or where fraudulent charges have been reported to the consumer reporting agencies, you should obtain an Identity Theft Report so that you can take advantage of the protections you are entitled to.

In order for a police report to entitle you to the legal rights mentioned above, it must contain specific details about the identity theft. You should file an ID Theft Complaint with the FTC and bring your printed ID Theft Complaint with you to the police station when you file your police report. The printed ID Theft Complaint can be used to support your local police report to ensure that it includes the detail required.

A police report is also needed to get copies of the thief’s application, as well as transaction information from companies that dealt with the thief. To get this information, you must submit a request in writing, accompanied by the police report, to the address specified by the company for this purpose.

How long can the effects of identity theft last?

It’s difficult to predict how long the effects of identity theft may linger. That’s because it depends on many factors including the type of theft, whether the thief sold or passed your information on to other thieves, whether the thief is caught, and problems related to correcting your credit report.

Victims of identity theft should monitor financial records for several months after they discover the crime. Victims should review their credit reports once every three months in the first year of the theft, and once a year thereafter. Stay alert for other signs of identity theft.

Don’t delay in correcting your records and contacting all companies that opened fraudulent accounts. Make the initial contact by phone, even though you will normally need to follow up in writing. The longer the inaccurate information goes uncorrected, the longer it will take to resolve the problem.

What can you do to help fight identity theft?

A great deal.

Awareness is an effective weapon against many forms identity theft. Be aware of how information is stolen and what you can do to protect yours, monitor your personal information to uncover any problems quickly, and know what to do when you suspect your identity has been stolen.

Armed with the knowledge of how to protect yourself and take action, you can make identity thieves’ jobs much more difficult. You can also help fight identity theft by educating your friends, family, and members of your community. The FTC has prepared a collection of easy-to-use materials to enable anyone regardless of existing knowledge about identity theft to inform others about this serious crime.

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Do You Dream BIG Dreams For Your Online Business?

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I received an e-mail from someone this week, and it became apparent to me that he simply didn’t believe that he could make anything work… He didn’t believe that he could start making the money that he told me he wanted to make…

He WANTED to make it, but he didn’t BELIEVE he could!

I’m a strong believer in the saying that you are where you want to be… For example, you live where you do because you choose to, and you earn as much as you do because that’s what you’ve chosen to earn…

‘Hold on! I want to earn more than I do at the moment…’ I hear you cry!!

Well, I’ve been there too and unless I changed my belief and my habits (good or bad)… nothing was ever going to change.

Indeed, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results…

So, how did I, and how do you, make changes to what we believe… and, in turn, what we achieve?

Well, for me, I didn’t believe that I should live in a large house, drive a sports car, or even work for myself. So, if I believed that… I certainly wasn’t going to ‘realise’ that lifestyle.

Does that make sense?

However, once I’d had enough of what I was doing…

(and for me this was commuting each and every day, having to answer to a boss, working long hours and not earning enough money for all my hard work…)

I needed to change my belief… My belief of where I saw myself and what I saw myself doing.

I hope you’re still with me, as this is crucial to where you are and what you’re doing in 12 months time, 2 years time and even 10 years time.

So what do you need to do?

Well, you really do need a goal, a visual representation of where you see yourself in 2 months time, 4 months time, and 6 months time…

Close your eyes and picture yourself in front of your new house, or sitting in your office at home ? working for yourself… Driving your new car, or planning that luxury holiday you’ve always wanted… and enjoying your financial freedom that your new home-based online business has given you.

Now, what do you need to change… in order to make this happen? For me, I was wasting a few hours here and there watching television, or just trying to switch off (after a long day working for someone else). Well, these hours add up, so if you use these hours just to start thinking… then you’ve changed perhaps one of the worst habits out there.

I know, I used to do it myself!

If it’s not TV, then look at how you spend each and every hour of your day… Can you allocate an hour or so for your future?

I suggest that during this time… you start thinking about where you want to be… I used to have a Picture of a Porsche on the desktop of my computer, and a simple cut out from the newspaper of a beautiful detached house that both my girlfriend and I really liked.

Now this is simple to do, but is very important. It reminds you of why you’re doing what you’re doing and precisely what your end result will be… financial freedom.

Plus, it makes your dreams real ? something that you can indeed touch and feel.

Dreams are good ? dreams are what keep us going, but dreams are nothing without action!

Action can and should be very small changes in your belief, and to your habits – each and every week… and before you know it, you’ll be dreaming bigger and bigger dreams…

Best wishes,

Chris Cobb

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