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Chauvet LX-5

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Video of the Chauvet LX-5 Moonflower light on Sound Active mode. I am also using a 1000 watt eliminator fog machine with froggys fog swamp juice. I call the light my living room ck5 😉 the light was around .

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Posted August 10th, 2012 in 1000 Watt Under $50. Tagged: .


  1. MiniMee134:

    @Audiomaniac84? the light is great if you can afford it (which you couldnt) you wouldnt say its shitty now stfu poor ass motherfucker

  2. mykey120:

    Ive had this for over a year, and never had any problems.? This light is great for the price, I use it for dance parties and it works great with a nice fog machine. As for the no motor, no mirror, no prism comment, you cannot expect more from this light for the price. If you spend more money you can get those things lol

  3. Audiomaniac84:

    so simpe, so shitty :(?
    no motor, no mirror, no prism

  4. quikandsilva:

    0:53 lol k.?

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