Eat healthy Foods – It generates Sense!
We all know the importance of eating healthy foods for their vitamin and mineral content. anyhow, in recent years, scientists have pointed out that there are hundreds of substances in food that have healing and disease prevention properties.
So why, if there are foods that will heal multiple of our normal ailments, have we not heard more about them? perhaps it’s for the reason that, just as we’ve become a quick food society, we’ve in addition become a quick cure society. We’re systematically looking for the easy alternative to cure and prevent diseases by just popping a pill.
Just look at the constantly growing number of ads on TV and in magazines for drugs. Often the side effects are worse than the disease they’re meant to prevent or cure!
Wouldn’t it be better to use natural remedies? Remedies with no side effects, to heal and prevent diseases? for sure it would! That’s why I found appropiate to write this article. Here’s to a healthier life!.
Perhaps as a child you were notified by your mom to consume all your carrots for the reason that they were good for your eyes? As you grew up, you may have cynically been notified by others that this was just an “old wives tale”. Guess what, recent studies have shown that Mom was right! Foods can prevent eye disease, heart disease, arthritis and much more.
Some simple Science:
In recent years scientists have pointed out that foods contain “phytochemicals”, which is a fancy name for easily occurring chemicals. This is not the same as nutrients, which we all know are the substances needed for sustaining life.
Phytochemicals have properties that can aid in disease prevention and cures. Scientists have discovered thousands of these chemicals in the foods we consume and a single serving of fruit or veggies can contain as multiple as one hundred different phytochemicals.
The most frequently known phytochemicals are the antioxidants. Antioxidants safeguard our cells from hurt by toxic substances and free radicals (a by-product generated by our bodies which converts oxygen into energy). Free radicals can hurt cells in our bodies which can conduct to disease. Antioxidants safeguard the body from oxidation and lower the risk of accumulating many normal ailments.
The full article is a enormous one and covers:
Fruits and Vegetables
Healing Properties Of Fruits
Healing Properties Of Vegetables
Seeds, Nuts, Oils and Fish
Healing Properties Of Seeds, Nuts, Oils and Fish
Healing Properties Of Grains
Healing Properties Of Beans and Lentils
Healing Properties Of Herbs and Spices
Healing Teas
Other Healing Foods
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