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Nursing School: The classes

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Just me talking about the classes I will be taking level 1 of my nursing school Fall 2010.
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Posted March 25th, 2012 in Nursing Classes. Tagged: , , .


  1. imxsoxridiculous:


  2. CabriniGreene:


  3. BogusBalbas:

    Lakewood Park Health Center is the only facility where former? sex offenders convicts can work again.

  4. cherryblsm1287:

    In these videos are you? taking the LVN/LPN courses or your RN?

  5. gandabacha777:

    hey heather you are looking so smoking? HOT wow damn hot.. i am a nurse and i wish u were my GF . do u use facebook? or anything twitter? let me know

  6. youcdtube:

    Good? for YOU!! we need more nurses

  7. SonjiB85:

    I love your videos, you are so helpful how are things?!?!?

  8. TheNursingJourney:

    I had the same experience with microbiology!? I know plenty of people who ended up loving that class!

  9. told85:

    nursing is a joke and you? look albino and ugly.

  10. eusouocara23:

    You are so? pretty!!

  11. c1ickc1ickB00M:

    I’m a nursing student in Australia, It really pisses me off is that the course is intefering? with my Alchoholism. No1 Biomedical works, its efficient. Its irritating to hear about “holistic” bullshit whan its education not EC. I wont a wnak now bye. Ps r all Americans mad, stupid, or brilliant.

  12. 2007Speed6:

    I’m impressed! Like umm…like ummm…don’t forget to divorce your husband after you sleep with the MD intern. Like? ummm….K?

  13. khashya786786:

    i’m sorry, but you? have scary eyerbrows :O

  14. MizzBrightsyde:

    youre so peeeeerdy 🙂 ?

  15. zTriNitYzz:

    im only a junior in highschool, and very much interested in nursing? for college.. id like to know how difficult it is in school? thanks

  16. KayRoe:

    @danniesagj? Transfer… If you get a degree at cc its just an associates, and starting 2014 they are requiring all nurses to have a BSN !

  17. KayRoe:

    Hi Heather! Last year? was my first year of nursing school as well. I will be a junior in the fall (my “second” year) I hope you are doing well!

  18. heatherheartsnursing:

    @PregnantWhaleOnE? we had 24 hours of actual class a week, 12 hours is what the ‘class’ was. Like in terms of 3, 4, etc that the college goes by for credit

  19. danniesagj:

    hi i am at a community college now for about 2 and half years doing my preps for a rn, but i am confused about whether i should stay at the community college and get my a.s in nursing or just go for the big fish and finish my preps at the community college and transfer to my university and get my b.s.n? help please? anyone!!!

  20. PregnantWhaleOnE:

    12h ?? we? have 29h of classes per week lol ……

  21. sclyons34:

    @SamGVCC Thanks! Luckily I’ve completed 2 semesters since this post and I am pretty caught up on books. ? Not many more I have to buy! I did end up buying many books online! 🙂

  22. SamGVCC:

    I would highly recommend buying your textbooks? online, if you know your programs text ISBN numbers. You’ll save a good deal of money. I had 12 books for my first semester, with one optional.

  23. xoxo0414:

    i switched majors to nursing from criminal justice and im super nervous about the entrance? exam

  24. miquelmahhhh:

    nice 😉 …… +1?

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