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Nursing School week 1 (090911)

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First week of class is finally over. I really feel tired from the lack of sleep, but that’s probably because I need to manage my time better. Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions at
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Posted May 26th, 2012 in Nursing Schools In Ma. Tagged: , , , .


  1. ekneebsn:

    @told85: I don’t know how to respond to your question first off because your approach to asking doesn’t really elicit a positive emotion from me. However, no I have? never been racially harassed in the program I am. We’re in America, in the 21st century more specifically. Living in a large, culturally diverse city doesn’t immediately constitute racist experiences.

  2. told85:

    did you get racially harassed in the program you are? in yet?

  3. ekneebsn:

    @frequencyaffect: I agree! There’s about a? 1:10 or 1:11 ration of male to female students in the nursing program. I think this is a typical/common number.

  4. frequencyaffect:

    good to see a male nursing student. what’s? the ratios of males to females in your classes?

  5. ekneebsn:

    Thanks guys!? I really appreciate the encouragement!

  6. ekneebsn:

    @BeeTeeV: Thank you!

    @xxthunderbird46xx: And np! The pre-reqs for my nursing program were (roughly) expository writing, anatomy and physiology, basic and organic chemistry, intro to psych, and maybe sociology? There are probably other classes too, but I think those were the main ones. As? for my communication in health care class, the only book required for my course was “Communicating About Healthcare” by Athena du Pre. And thank you too! I appreciate it!

  7. xxthunderbird46xx:

    Thanks for posting. What were the pre-reqs? for your nursing programs? Can you please recommend a book for the ‘communication in medicine’ class?

    you rule for taking the time out to make these videos
    good luck 😀

  8. BeeTeeV:

    Good luck with everything!!!!!!!!!!?

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