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Prototype 2 HD 7770 Benchmarks

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this is a video of prototype 2 on my budget build pc 64-42 fps without recording and locked in on 30 when recording with fraps without overclock anything specs below and commentary coming on my next video amd phenom ii x4 965 9 msi hd 7770 0 hyper x 4gb ddr3 530 watt power supply asus m5a 78l-m motherboard rosewill challenger case 500 gb hard drive
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Low Budget Gaming build that will Run all your 2012 games on High with 45+ fps on a High Power Plan. Roughly 4x Better performance than the Xbox 360 and the PS3 Components Apevia Trooper X Case, AMD Athlon x4 250 gig Sata WD Geforce 240 Overclocked 1gb Lite On DVD Read/Write, 8gb ddr3 1333 Ram cheifmax 550 watt PSU Biostar a55mh Mobo Total 0 Tax Not Included! Windows 7 Not Included! Ubuntu is free and we dont recommencement piracy even tho its easy! Subscribe to ACH for more Awesome Videos!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted February 1st, 2013 in 500 Watt Under $50. Tagged: , , .


  1. domantas95:

    is radeon hd 7770 1gb with athlon II x4 620 2.6 Ghz is good for new games on 1600 x 900 res. ?
    And? how much ram i should get (4,6,8 or 12 GB) ?

  2. merkyou81:

    thanks man?

  3. merkyou81:

    hell yea bf3 60 fps? without recording is crazy

  4. merkyou81:


  5. merkyou81:

    thanks a lot it was the best thing i have bought it made me see what i have been missing i don’t play? my consoles anymore

  6. LeaderOfTheFlock:

    You did a good job with you pc homie! Got it looking good.? No skipped frames, nice!

  7. MugentheVagrant1:

    60? frames? aw jizz

  8. kkRinaChan:

    this is awesome! i hope my pc works as well when i build it? 😀

  9. TheGamerTUCM:

    Highend cards need about 400-500w, true, and this graphics card actually kind of sucks, I? thought it was something else.

  10. Kyle Bedder:

    This guy looks like? chunky

  11. Brandon Jenkins:

    and the psu he would? need at least 500w with a highend card

  12. Brandon Jenkins:

    awful build

  13. 101FOOTBALLSkills:

    Cheapest? PSU ever!

  14. FeeeeDz:

    Coppercab.. that you ??

  15. Hdbshdhhs:

    And at least 1600 ddr3? ram around 35 bucks more for the amd trinty card setup

  16. Hdbshdhhs:

    Y not get a AMD trinty card? with the 7660 integrated graphics it would be close 2 the graphics card and cpu price put together so its a much better deal but u will need a fm2 motherboard for around the same price

  17. Tommy Bonilla:

    why? does your title say 2013

  18. Stimm1Nasty:

    Static my friend, you should mention that , because new builders (like me)? could identically ruin something o.o

  19. philzzaa96:

    fuuuak nice bro. nice cheap gaming PC and? it beats Consoles.


    for $400-$450 you could get an APU build thats a lot better than this?

  21. Mihai Cop:

    i’m paying the 350 $ only for the GPU? 😐

  22. TheGamerTUCM:

    Dude, this will play? it on ultra, the only reason it might not play it on ultra is because of the bad graphics card.

  23. 1O8Ogaming:

    gt 240 is worse the intel intergragted of u gonna spend that low on a video card i would have atleast go with the gt640 for 20$ more and gottent? more ram to compensate with the sloow cpu

  24. Mike chap:

    don’t listen to this guy he talks rubbish. save up for a better pc as you will be very disappointed and have a system worse than an xbox 360 wishing you saved that lil? bit more for a 7870 or a 550/560 ti how the hell is it 4x better? you sir just wasted good money on a load of bargain bucket hardware hoping to get the job done cheap… fail … there is no cheap way of building a high end pc otherwise it wouldnt be “high end”

    Dumb-ass delete this video before sum1 does wat u did. idiot

  25. Mike chap:

    20fps? max lol

  26. MultiMegaCab:

    i puked?

  27. norge696:

    there? are quad core Athlons? O_o

  28. NovaFlare14:

    this great! i hope its the beast that i want to make, just saying, y not go for an intel i3 or i5? it may be moer expensive but much easier to OC, also you can pay $100 bux or so gfor a radeon graphics card OR get a GEFORCE 520, im new to pc gaming and so i love it, just gotta save up my money? for some parts! 😀 love it and going to subscirbe and like! :3

  29. SinisterCPU:

    yea…this wont run many of the? modern games over 20fps…

  30. Brandan Bednarz:

    now sell it for? $800 lol

  31. ThoseWho WhereChosen:

    Could this? run day z and planet side2

  32. Aly Elsayed:

    hey bro, tell me what? you think of my $250 build…

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