Q&A: How do I correctly put my 200-watt fuse into my 1000 watt amp?
Question by Taylor B: How do I correctly put my 200-watt fuse into my 1000 watt amp?
So I recently blew my 20-watt fuse in my 1000-watt amp connected to 2 12″ subwoofers. Thinking it would be an easy fix I went to radioshack and got some more fuses. But now everytime I try putting the fuse in it blows everytime I re-connect power to my amp. How to I do it to make it so it doesn’t blow everytime?
Best answer:
Answer by PimpMyRide
I’d suspect that the amp has an internal short that is blowing the fuse.
Either take it to a local car audio shop or electronics repair facility that does component level repairs, or put the amp information in here and get a repair quote:
If the repair will cost more than about 1/2 the cost of a new amp, you may be better off just replacing the amp.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
You have something wrong with your amp that is why you keep blowing fuses. You either need to repair or replace your amp.
August 2nd, 2012 at 8:17 pmSorry