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Sony 1000 Watt RMS SubWoofer

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This The Best Sub woofer in Low Price
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Posted January 2nd, 2013 in 1000 Watt Best Price. Tagged: , , , .


  1. michaeltaylor92:

    no offence mate but my home made 320 watt system is louder n bassier that that. Look up carpower? sub in room.

  2. dodgerider26:

    I’d? believe 1K peak, 400-500RMS… but even still that would be pushing the sub a bit much.

  3. JakeDusangTM:

    dont? liie haha

  4. woollster00:

    Ever heard of magnetically shielded? tard?

  5. Erling Mid:

    custom buildt? computer

  6. ciafrei29:

    scusa come? si chiama la canzone??

  7. kilbluff1985:

    hey guys i have the? same sub in my car but i can only turn it the cd player up half way or the sub will blow and fuses go in the amp the amps only a 250watt clareon so im guessing i need a better one just wondering how many watts i should aim for in the new one any help greatly appreciated

  8. form109:

    WOW a sony xplod being used? indoors

    thats Neat Actually!

  9. JakeDusangTM:

    if that was a 1k rms
    your computer would fry
    i would know because i have a fi q and i half to have 10ft at the min otherwise my
    graphics card, hard? disk, everything would go to shit

  10. westrak100:

    pioneer subs are better than? sony………

  11. bob505470:

    Haha a? Sony on 1 kilowatt. That’s funny

  12. kevin10r:

    No xplod has? 1k rms

  13. andriukas49:

    1000w? rms my ass lol

    i bet its around 300rms

    1000w is the peak

  14. elektryk182:

    hahahaha 1000W? 😛

  15. bub1360:

    need to get? a better with a slot port would realy make that thump.

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