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Price:$52.22 CFL 200 watt equivalent light Automotive adjustable lamp: Dual head 1000 watt Halogen shop light: Equipment used in this video: Canon 7d Canon 35mm f1.4
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted September 23rd, 2012 in Affordable 1000 Watt. Tagged: , , , , , , .


  1. lasereye1:

    This video looks a yellow cast to it – try using 5200K CFL since there close to daylight balance. You can get these 100 CFL’s at Home Depot or Lowes in a pack of? 4 for 4 bucks. Like you presense on you video – your matter of fact way of being. Much success!

  2. extantia:

    The GE CFL I bought lasted about six years, so it may? depend on the brand.

  3. onelonedork:

    If? you take the screen off and leave the glass cover, you can use the halogen lights safely. The CFL bulbs don’t explode as far as I know.

  4. HippieTalks:

    I was thinking about trying both of these options for some cheap and quick lighting of subjects. The only bad thing is, especially with the cheap automotive lights, is that they do get extremely hot, and idk if those halogen bulbs make a difference, but just? like any other light, aren’t they vulnerable to explode as well? Thats why most video lights have screens in front of them. Don’t want a face full of glass.Again I have no experience w/ these cheap alt. but its something i think about.

  5. John Moser:

    I have been wondering the same thing, it cam be powered with computer power supply? or 12v battery, =the only thing is how to make the housing???

  6. kingneptune405:

    i did like the content, i just didn’t like that face you made? at the end…so…

  7. Jesslayc:

    i? can tell hes reading off a telepromtor or something, but he does a good job on not just reading what it says!

  8. DarkWingProd:

    can you post the? ebay link?

  9. onelonedork:

    I? hadn’t heard that but its good to know. Thanks!

  10. cockeyedproductions:

    I worked at Home Depot and the electrical expert /? supplier’s representative for the CFL Bulbs we carried at the time shared a tip to increase and ensure the longevity of the bulb: Upon the first time you power the CFL bulbs on, you’re supposed to let them stay illuminated for 4-8 hours. Apparently this “properly activates” or primes the flourescent filament, or something sciencey like that. He explained that this is because flourescents are designed to be left on for elongated spans of time.

  11. onelonedork:

    You could probably do something like that but it might be hard to set up something to power a? 12 volt light. The light out of those might also be very harsh.

  12. Carlodimaximus:

    Ok, what? about making a lamp with a car HID bulb?? I have been looking around and haven’t seen any:…powerful white light, How hard could it be??? do you think it is possible??
    Great videos by the way.

  13. onelonedork:

    Working on it. Building A? new DSLR website right now, and light tests are on the list of things to do.

  14. Austin Brister:

    any? test film examples?

  15. Austin Brister:

    I liked the shirt. What shirt do you wear, troll??

  16. onelonedork:

    $1.25 at the goodwill, saves money? for film equipment.

  17. darealdjnutz:

    Great video, but? odd shirt choice.

  18. OmarJaxon:

    Great info.? Thx.

  19. onelonedork:

    You can actually buy 2 stands the umbrellas and everything but the light bulb? for $50 on ebay.

  20. BebopVox:

    ah nice, sound? much easier, didnt know they came that cheap

  21. onelonedork:

    I actually have a set of $6 adjustable umbrella reflectors but i was using? them to shoot this.

  22. BebopVox:

    cheap disperse lighting methods maybe? Saw one using a coatrack and a sheet? over it.

  23. BebopVox:

    Awesome dude been waiting for you to film a? lighting ep!! thanks man!

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