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1000 Watt Laser Rust Removal.wmv

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Initial firing up of a 1000 watt metal halide bulb. Ballast rated at 8.5 amps/1000w/240v capacitor at 240-480v/1500w mains plug and fuse at 13amps various connectors and wires. makeshift MDF platform all the parts were sourced separately and assembled together. This is the bulb that will power my film reel projector that im building from scratch. this is for a fine art uni project.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Posted February 23rd, 2013 in Who Sells The Cheapest 1000 Watt On Line. Tagged: , , , , .


  1. gumby83:

    How many amps? to run that? also how much does it cost?

  2. TunedCavityLasers:

    Probably, followed by the tongue, throat, and back of your head all at once? :p

  3. blizzasylum:

    Could I barrow it to take over the world? I promise I’ll give it? back when I’m done.

  4. phillip42184:

    That? could be a future tazer!

  5. dcast1985:

    I need one of these!?

  6. chriswww:

    i bet its also god for removing eyes? *evil laughter*

  7. Kyle Speg:

    Dear.? Motherfucking. Santa.

  8. KesherMedia:

    Let me know? how it goes… 🙂

  9. KesherMedia:

    That’s frick’n bad? ass right there!!!

  10. JDster4ever:

    your right, cus itll burn all the hair off!? (and skin)

  11. aaronvaz1:

    If I had that I? would never have to use a razor to shave again!

  12. 55peedy:

    Can? you also use it to remove annoying parents?

  13. qweqpo4224:

    Dear? Santa…

  14. boonteck1:

    call it light saber?

  15. grafikbude:


  16. TimpBizkit:

    well? I tried it and I couldn’t sit down for a year 🙁

  17. TimpBizkit:

    I guess? I’ll have to remove rust the boring way, wire wool, files and sanding belts

  18. EnglishMuffinss:

    That? is One High Tech Shaver.

  19. habzyg:


  20. Marc PuiG:

    wow amazing, jedi? swords exist !!

  21. tjpld:

    Could you clean your ass with it after taking a? shit?

  22. 1138thz:

    Do you think there is a? correlation between corrosion control and the training budget? Besides sending young shit bird punks out to scrape rust and spot paint while everyone else is on liberty is a tradition.

  23. YouthFreedomFighters:

    Train more perhaps.

  24. YouthFreedomFighters:

    Cool. Although I would think 1000W? would go right through the metal.

  25. James PEET:

    Or a wire? brush

  26. Volkswagen19900:

    You should use? a Parabolic reflector with this.

  27. XxROCKSTARxX69:

    throw that in? a flashlight. i saw the same ballast and bulb for like 160

  28. sodiumvapor13:

    A star is? born

  29. sodiumvapor13:

    @BassPounderX? Lol

  30. BassPounderX:

    what the fuck I? think this si the center of the universe LOL

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