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4 PYRAMID Hyper Pro subwoofers on 2000 Pyramid watts*FOR SALE*

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here is my audio system as you see. i still have got to replace the door speakers, because its still factory speakers but so far it pounds like a bastard! like i said who said pyramid hyper pro sucks? because this video kinda proves them wrong! ^-^ the amp is a 4 chann 2000 watts total max power, 500 per channel. i got it wired one sub and one tweeter to a channel. the subwofer count i9s this, 2 ten inch pyramid hyper pro 700 watt subs 350 rms, 2 twelve inch 1000 watt subs 500 watts rms. this system is currently for sale pm me for more details.

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Posted December 14th, 2012 in For Sale 500 Watt. Tagged: , , , , , .

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