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Posted July 3rd, 2013 in Affiliate Marketing. Tagged: , , , , , , .


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  5. Mita Saha:

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  6. topnetworkersgroup:

    Great point. All Glory to Brandon. He’s helped thousands of people, all by his self. Way to take all the credit for house thousands of people you’ve helped. 3 years ago We put 1,000 people into Escape; 400 of? those came through 5 Leaders I found – 3 years later you’re still only helping 1,000 people? When are you gonna help 100,000?

  7. topnetworkersgroup:

    My bad, I didn’t answer your question. If you followed me, You’d be making 10 times what you’re making? right now. But, you’ve never followed me. That was kinda the whole problem. You wanna be THE Man. Now you are. 🙂 at least, You think you are.

  8. Brandon Ivey:

    It is called planning for the future. 1 year ago I was on a job when I joined Vitel. Today I am Regional Vice President and retired. I have helped thousands of people. 1 year from now I will be a millionaire. I don’t predict the future I make it. I wish you the best in what you do and there will be plenty more videos of mine for you to comment on. ? Make it productive!

  9. topnetworkersgroup:

    LOL @ talking down to people, as if I’m not where I am supposed to be. None of us can predict the? future. I pity the person that thinks they can.

  10. Brandon Ivey:

    Wow go ahead and speak your mind. I rest my case. Yeah in the future don’t respond to anything I do. Stay in your lane and do you. Results speak louder than opinion. If I followed you where would I be right now? If you followed me where would you be? Enough said. I wish you the best and I still believe you have the potential to become one of the greatest networkers out there. The day you learn how to work with people will be the day? your life changes. 1 Year from now? where will you be

  11. topnetworkersgroup:

    last thing i’ll say is, That’s what I get for Commenting in the first place. I shouldn’t have asked – every time I say something, this nonsense happens after.

    And of course, that’s all my fault, for asking if you were going to Charge for Niche Marketing, or Offer it Free. Good luck working? with Jesse Reed in that new venture.

  12. topnetworkersgroup:

    The Real issue between Me and You is this Ivey. I knew what kinda dude you were before I partnered up with you. Our 5 years in ACN as ‘crossline’ partners taught me all I? needed to know; and It was a mistake on my part to ever enter into business with you. You never cross-edified well, and always wanted Glory for Self.

    So, You’re not ‘wrong’ per se to do what you do, or how you do it – I just wouldn’t do it that way. oil/water That’s why I stopped working with you and moved on. Live & Learn.

  13. topnetworkersgroup:

    So if I ask you about Niche Marketing, why not keep your answer Limited to Niche Marketing???

    Because it’s yet, another chance to take a SHOT at Al 🙂

    That’s why….. all while calling Me? the negative one.

  14. topnetworkersgroup:

    You made Direct comments about People Promoting turning $10 into $10,000/mo – when I have a website, Called “Turn10into10k” – You guys are always hating and being negative, and talking down, and you’ve been that way since 98. But when I comment on how you guys are, I get the “negative label” put on;? some folks are that way – Doesn’t make them right. The sad part is people like you have Influence, and others are not educated enough to know better than to believe hearsay and gossip.

  15. topnetworkersgroup:

    The Truth is, If anyone has been negative Towards anyone, it’s been YOU and your morehouse brothers, vs. me. It’s been that way since 98. We can even look at recently as Vitel vs. Solavei which you started RIGHT after I sent out an Email announcing I had joined. SUDDENTLY VItel was ‘comparing themselves’ to Solavei left and right; bashing Solavei, saying? being an MVNO is NOT a good thing ,people will not switch, etc…

    NOW, Vitel is an MVNO too

    When I first started doing my own thing you hated

  16. topnetworkersgroup:

    I’ve never been Negative towards you bro. That’s a totally False Statement. That’s how you have Chosen to Perceive what I’ve said to you since knowing you from our ACN Days in 98. You are one? of those people who cannot handle honesty from those that know you and perfer Yes people in your corner that always agree. Disagreement, however, is not Negative. That POV of me came to you After Myself and Andrew had words; and that has always been Drew’s view of Me; that I am negative.

  17. Jesse Redd:

    Great video Brandon! Most people think in 2 ways: the real? big business way or the “copy and paste affiliate way”. Niche Marketing is a real company, most of our clients will be Brick and Mortar and Small Businesses.

  18. Brandon Ivey:

    Asking me why the negativity is like asking me to have amnesia when it comes to our past. You have been nothing but negative to me and anything I do so don’t pretend otherwise. However this is a good debate. There is no right or wrong on this one just your personal preference. I believe in and do have multiple? streams of income, I just operate in a CERTAIN way. And that WAY has been very successful for me.

  19. topnetworkersgroup:

    (people share vids with me, so This one was shared with me as? well — > because I address this topic quite often)

    I don’t see anything ‘wrong’ with what you’re saying in this video; There are several “issues” within the industry at this time, especially concerning MLM’s vs Affiliates; it’s a serious debate, and not everyone agrees – But, that’s perfectly ok and healthy. We’ve forgotten that here in America.

    Debate leads to better Ideas.

  20. topnetworkersgroup:

    That’s pretty interesting. Thanks for the clarification – sounds like some good stuff -? good luck with this move man. Continued success –

  21. topnetworkersgroup:

    that being said, your partner Stinson just spoke on this the other day, Cedric? Harris Just spoke on this the other day after leaving Visalus because he’s always been a “multi-prenuer” – Mike Hobbs spoke on this, with a big EN Check in the background, while leading a Team That promotes MSOI; Nicole Cooper spoke it it just before that, more along the lines of what you’re saying in yours; stick to one company, focus on one thing, etc; It’s certainly an interesting debate. Only time will tell….

  22. topnetworkersgroup:

    Lots of people are talking about MSOI too; I’ve been doing that since 2004 when I left ACN,? and started looking at other ways to ‘get this money’ – after spending 5 LONG years in One company – Every body’s “Path” is different though; and some people are made for one company; others have a different purpose. For some people, shinning in a Company is where it’s at; others wanna do a lil more than that. Nothing is wrong with either or; the problem is people Assume how others feel. They don’t ask.

  23. topnetworkersgroup:

    I realize you moorehouse dudes all have secret gossip meetings where you’ve created this ‘idea of me’ that isn’t who I am; so I guess if I really think about it, I see why you’d say something like that in response to my? question – I was after all one of the doubters in that business to charity business – and I didn’t get into Vitel when you went, and didn’t do 5% Club when You were all Excited about that one, and I know I didn’t follow into the NGC business either – doesn’t mean I hate yall.

  24. topnetworkersgroup:

    Why are you making it negative bro? I’m just asking a question – you mentioned your own marketing company where you will be teaching people these skills – and so I was just asking if you were going to charge people to learn the skills -? or teach them for FREE. I have no idea why you inserted the other statements though; I’ve been good; grinding like always; and being where God needs me to be. I was simply inquiring – Because I Deal with multiple streams of income, people share videos with me.

  25. Brandon Ivey:

    So Al are you still trying to find some fault in anything I do? LOL! I have not heard from you in a while? how has life been treating you lately?

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