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Battlefield 3 Benchmarks on HD 7770 and Commentary

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what is up out there this is a commentary of me playing bf3 and just where i am with pc gaming when i get more time on the pc then i’m going to do a review on it but bf3 runs at a smooth 64-45 frames on medium settings without recording 54-45 frames recording with dxtory specs below. amd phenom ii x4 965 9 msi hd 7770 0 hyper x 4gb ddr3 530 watt power supply asus m5a 78l-m motherboard rosewill challenger case 500 gb hard drive
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Posted November 25th, 2012 in 500 Watt Under $50. Tagged: , , , .


  1. merkyou81:

    @TheRealTommyTuck? 1440×900 i have a older monitor

  2. TheRealTommyTuck:

    What resolution man? ?

  3. calical26:

    60 gameplay videos gameplay ultra maxed 60+fps on my channel xfx R7770 calical26 sub if you like? ?

  4. SammyBeniuga:

    what’s your? resolution?

  5. merkyou81:

    who gave a retard a? youtube page all you do is troll other peoples page why because your life sucks go kill your self you piece of shit

  6. JavixhuSM:

    yOU TEST GTA IV ;)? good video!

  7. merkyou81:

    thanks? i’ll check your channel out i always check people channels out who sub to me

  8. JustDemGaming:

    hey man nice vid subbed to your channel to support check out my channel sub back if you like my? vids


    cant wait man, my build will be almost the same?

  10. merkyou81:

    man? it took me like 3 good weeks of mouse and keyboard i’m still not all the way there but i can hold my own now

  11. merkyou81:

    yea the audio thing is another reason i use dxtory your voice and game volume are split yea i? could do high but i enjoy 60 fps better than 50-40 fps

  12. merkyou81:

    thanks to me dxtory runs better on my pc? but i will get a newer version and see how it works man these files are big as hell when you record

  13. T-Fly From Da CHI:

    Man I gave up? on BF3 a while ago. How long did it take you to get used to PC Gaming?

  14. GameFanaTICK386:

    @JG TheDon Yea thats why I was gonna try? dxtory. I wanted to split audio. Hopefully fraps updates and adds that feature in the future

  15. jgstlkid:

    Yeah sometimes when you record it kind of skips. I? use Dxtory. I might use Fraps though and see if I like that better. I love Dxtory though, because you can split the audio files. This still looks awesome on medium settings.

  16. GameFanaTICK386:

    U gotta get the newer versions of fraps. Mine no longer breaks files into 4gb, thats why I do my lets plays. Im not hatin on dxtory, but it has a thing of stuttering during? playbacks. I watch a few compara vids between fraps and dxtory and found that fraps was best cuz of quality and that stutter reason. Anyway great vid son.

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