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Archive for the ‘Survival’ Category

Prepper Homesteading Basics

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If you’re going to homestead, you need to know the basics. But the first thing you need to realize about homesteading is that the goal is to become self-reliant. That means you can provide and care for your family completely with what you can grow or make yourself.

There are some skills involved with homesteading, but it’s not difficult to learn the skills. You’ll want to be prepared with food. You want to prepare with food supplies that can serve you for repeated cycles.

So you would want to plant a garden that can be replanted again and again. You can do this using heirloom seeds. You’ll want to plant what you’ll consume throughout the year and when the growing season is over, you’ll want to make sure that you preserve some of the garden bounty to use during the months that the garden doesn’t grow.

You’ll also want to save and store the seeds from the fruits and vegetables for replanting the following gardening season. It’s also smart to learn how to construct chicken coops so that you can have the eggs that are produced.

You can also raise pigs for meat. You’ll want cows for milk (and/or meat) and goats for producing dairy to use for cheese. Some preppers that homestead also prefer to raise honeybees. Not only is the honey usable, but the bees can help pollinate the fruits and vegetables that you grow.

Water needs to be planned when homesteading. You can’t survive without access to clean water. You need to set up rain barrels for water that your livestock can drink and the collected rainwater can also be used to irrigate your garden. The fastest way to collect rainwater is to set a barrel up beneath a downspout.

You should have a way to purify your water as well as a way that you can store the water. If you bring the water to your homestead site from a creek or pond, then you’ll need a way to transport it.

Protection is paramount when you’re homesteading. You’re going to need weapons in order to protect yourself in the event someone decides to rob you or commit other crimes against you. You should be armed with both knives as well as guns. Both of these are great for protection but also are handy to have around for hunting or food prep.

Education for children is a necessity when you’re homesteading. You want to make sure you have educational supplies. You can find educational supplies at homeschool stores if you want to stock up in advance.

You can also order and store homeschooling supplies in advance. But education can also be taught using just the basic tools like classic pieces of literature. Teaching things like math can be done using real life concepts such how to measure items in a recipe or how to measure wood for cutting when building something. Studies have shown that children who are educated using real life concepts often excel in life.

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Prepper Food Storage Tips

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As soon as possible, you need to have your food supplies set aside for your long term survival. But for food to keep for any length of time, it has to be properly stored. Not all foods are good for long term storage, but many foods are.

Certain foods, if properly stored, will last for years and your goal is to have a long term food supply so that you can be self-sufficient. The list below names foods that you should buy and put aside for the future. These foods will keep well.

Buy beans. You want to buy beans in bulk quantity. You want beans because these will give you a supply of protein. Buy grains. You’ll want to have wheat, oats, rye, cornmeal, brown or white rice and flour, wheat flour, barley.

Buy powdered milk. This doesn’t taste the same as fresh milk, but this type of milk can last at least 20 years and you need milk – not only for cooking, but for children as well. Buy fruit. You’ll need to buy dried fruit or freeze dried fruit that you can reconstitute by adding water.

Make sure dried corn is also in your food storage supply. Buy sugar, honey, tea, coffee, peanut butter, nuts and seeds, salt and canned goods. You’ll want to buy canned meats as well.

Though these don’t keep as long as other survival foods, canned goods can often last many years at a time. You should also buy pasta. You’ll need oils like olive oil and fats like lard. If you have a baby who’s on formula, you’ll want to set aside a supply of formula for the baby.

Just buying the food isn’t enough. If you don’t know how to store it, the food will go to waste. Foods that are put back in storage are susceptible to oxygen, light, moisture and temperature changes – especially heat.

You want to store the food in a cool room where the temperatures are less than 60 degrees. To properly store your food, you can use food grade containers. You can get buckets like this at no cost from grocery stores and restaurants.

You can also purchase them. What some people like to do is to put a Mylar bag into the container first and put the food down into the bag. Then the top of the bag is sealed using a heat source.

The Mylar bag helps keep out what would destroy your food source and makes it last even longer than it would last just in the container alone. To help absorb the oxygen, you can put silicone gel packs into the containers or you can use salt.

Make sure that you date stamp the outside of the container so that you’ll know the month and year that you put the food into storage. Rotating your food stores is one key to maintaining a healthy food supply.

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Prepper Checklist for Cooking and Canning at Home

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Cooking and canning foods at home is so easy that even a beginner can quickly learn how to master it. Making and canning foods at home is also an inexpensive and healthy way to provide food for your family.

It’s a method where you can set aside provisions in the event of a disaster. But if you’re going to use canned foods, you’ll want to follow this checklist to make sure that you have the right supplies and to follow the important safety guidelines.

The first items that you’ll need to line up are enough jars to hold the foods you want to store. How will you know how many jars you need? One way is by checking out what the recipe says. Home canning recipes will usually tell you how many batches of food the recipe will produce.

You can find jars that are specific for home canning. When you have the jars you need, you’ll want to wash the jars along with their lids and bands like you would hand wash dishes. This is done to remove germs and sterilize the jars.

The next thing you’ll need are utensils. You’ll need spoons and a spatula. You’ll also want to make sure that you sterilize the utensils you use. When you’re canning foods, you don’t really have to have a lot of items, but you do want to make sure you have a sturdy stockpot.

You might find it helpful to have a funnel, labels and a canning jar holder. If you’re canning fruits or jellies, you may also want – pectin but some people can foods without it ? it’s a personal preference.

Once the water has simmered in the pot, you’ll want to fill the jar to the level that the recipe calls for. Don’t put warm foods in cool jars because this will cause the jars to shatter. The jars need to be at lease room temperature.

To get out the air bubbles, make sure you don’t stir – just run a flat utensil around the inside of the jar. Put on the lid toppers and the rings then place the jars in the jar lifter. If you don’t have a jar lifter, you can use tongs in a pinch, but it’s easier for the jar to slip with tongs.

Using a jar lifter, you would lower it by the handle into the stockpot until the tops of the jars are completely covered by water. Let the water boil however long the recipe says to let it boil.

You don’t want to count the time before the water boils. Once the jars are cool, some people put labels that are dated on the outside of the jars to that they can rotate the foods while they’re in storage.

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Prepper Basics for Growing Your Own Garden

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Putting aside canned foods for future use is a good idea. But before that food supply runs out, you’ll need another way to take care of you family’s food needs. That’s why many preppers use gardens.

Growing your own food for your family is a great way to stretch the budget, eat wholesome foods and prepare for the future. You don’t have to have acres of land to plant and harvest the foods from a garden.

You can start a garden anywhere you live – even if you happen to live in an apartment. If you live somewhere space is limited, you can start a garden in containers. But if you have a nice plot of land where you can plant, then you need to choose the location wisely because plants have to have sunlight in order to survive.

A garden also has to have good soil. Use organic fertilizer to enrich your soil prior to planting. You can have your soil tested before you start planting if you want to make sure that it’s healthy enough to sustain a garden.

Irrigation and drainage is important. You’ll want to make sure the area where you plant your garden isn’t in an area that holds standing water in heavy rainfall. If the water has difficulty running off, it can drown the plants.

Positioning is everything. Write down the foods you want to plant and how much of it you’ll need. Check out the climate zone for your area. This will help you learn what kinds of gardening foods will grow best in your area.

Make sure the plants you choose can be good neighbors. The types of food you decide to plant need to be placed in conjunction with their compatibility with other plants. Some plants will make it more difficult for other plants to survive, so separate them.

Some preppers plant a garden using seeds while others use starter plants. If you want to be able to keep replanting your garden from seeds, then you’ll need to buy the heirloom ones since they’ll last for many replants.

You can plant your garden using rows or you can use the raised bed method. There are pros and cons for each method. With simply using rows, you don’t have to create the raised beds.

But with raised beds, you can easily keep track of what food is in what location and you won’t have to worry about one food shadowing another food. Raised beds also make it easy to harvest the foods when it’s time for them to be picked and if something goes wrong in one raised bed, it won’t wipe out the entire garden.

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Prepper Ammo and Firearms Storage

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You want to set aside a stockpile of ammo and firearms because you may not be able to buy them when you need them. As with any stockpile of supplies, the way that ammo and firearms are stored is important.

While you might think that ammo is too durable to get damaged, it’s not true. There are some things that can cause ammo to break down. That’s why it’s important to know how to store it properly.

Heat is one of the things that is destructive for ammo. When ammo is exposed to high temperatures, over time, the powder begins to deteriorate and ammo that’s gone bad is no good to you when you need it.

You have to remember that metal expands in high temperatures. So, to protect it against that breakdown that’s caused by heat, store all of your ammo in a dry location. You want to store it in the original container that it comes in.

Slide the original container down inside another container that’s airtight and seal it up. Some people choose to use those surplus military ammo containers while other people use a dehumidifier where their ammo is stored.

You can also use moisture absorbers like those silica gel packs. If kept from the heat and other things that cause the ammo to break down, you can expect your ammo to last you at least 10 years or longer.

Moister is another problem with ammo. The moisture can wreak havoc with the ammo and can lead to misfires if used. Humidity is one of the causes of moisture damaging ammunition.

You want to keep the humidity level in the storage area as low as you possibly can. If you drop ammunition in water and then immediately use it, you won’t have a problem. It’s long term exposure to moisture that you have to worry about.

Light is a third thing that can damage ammo. You want to make sure that you keep your ammo stored in a dark place – away from light – especially sunlight since sunlight can cause temperature variances.

You want to follow the same rules for storing your firearms that you use for storing your ammo. Keep your firearms away from heat, moisture and light as well. Years ago, soldiers used to hide weapons.

Some preppers hide firearms beneath the ground in airtight, waterproof containers that are sealed in protective padding and wrapping and many years later, those firearms still work beautifully.

There are laws that govern the stockpiling of ammo and weapons so you want to make sure that you follow the laws for your state. For example, some of the laws prohibit people from stockpiling too much of either weapons or ammunition.

Check out laws referring to ‘stockpiling of weapons’ or ‘stockpiling of ammo.’ In some cities, you have to have permits if you want to store a lot of ammo and weapons. Then again, some people ignore this completely or store their weapons across many cities or states to be gathered in the event of an emergency.

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Planning Your Survival Camp

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Survival camp is a place that you can set up that will allow you to stay safe and wait out any disastrous event. In order to thrive at your camp, there are certain kinds of gear that you’ll need.

You’ll need the basics such as food, water, warmth, shelter and first aid. You’ll want to make sure that you have the food to feed each member of your family for a few days and a plan in place to provide for long term food needs such as hunting or fishing or living off the land.

You’ll need water that you can take with you and purification tablets to purify water that you find once you settle at your camp. All of these items can be easily stored and transported in individual backpacks.

Pack a first aid kit and include medications that anyone has to take on a regular basis.
To provide warmth and a possible way to cook, you’ll need items to start a fire with. You can use a waterproof lighter or waterproof matches and tinder.

Some people choose to take a portable camp stove along, but these eventually run out of fuel so keep that in mind. Take communication devices such as cell phones with you and use solar powered chargers to keep the battery charged for them. Bring a battery or solar powered radio so you can listen to any emergency broadcasts.

You’ll need personal hygiene items and toiletries. Also pack a foldable shovel to use for digging for sanitation purposes. You’ll need flashlights and lanterns. Bring emergency blankets, sleeping bags and tents. You’ll also want to have a multi tool and storage bags for the water you may have to gather. Bring weapons to protect yourself and your family.

Kids usually like camping and instead of a stressful time, you can treat it like an adventure and the kids won’t be scared. Plan fun activities for them. Just because you’re in survival mode doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the time together as a family.

Go on nature walks, let them help with preparing the camp, the meals, take them fishing, go wading or swimming if there’s water nearby and the weather permits. Set up a treasure hunt for them, and have them trace items they find in nature in a sketchbook.

Bring marshmallows along for them to roast. Bring card games and puzzles. Let them keep a log of each day’s adventure. Pack a disposable camera for them to capture family moments.

The kind of activities you get to do with the children will depend on the type of camp you set up. An emergency base camp is usually set up quickly and is usually just a stop over place until you can move to a better base location.

Nomadic camps are prearranged places where you’ve planned to set up camp Friends and loved ones often prepare for survival situations together and having a people camp together offers many benefits to everyone in the group.

Having a cabin or a pre-built shelter somewhere away from your home can offer a more permanent shelter for a longer stay. These are usually shelters with very primitive conditions.

When you’re at your survival camp, it’s important to keep on track with managing your daily activities. You want to keep to a routine as much as possible – especially if you have children.

If school is in session, then you want to schedule educational time. Sticking to a routine will help you feel less stressed out and will give you some semblance of order during a difficult time.

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Planning Your Prepper Garden According to Your Region

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Gardening is not the same in every state. If you’ve ever planted food in your garden and had it fail, you may have made the mistake of planting foods that are outside your region. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a map which can help show preppers which foods will grow the best in their region and when those foods should be planted.

Whether you buy seeds or plants, foods are labeled by their hardiness. Those labels are referring to the specific areas of a state where the plant will thrive. There are eleven regions divided by temperature into zones 1 through 11.

Southern states are divided by whether the area is coastal and tropical as well as whether they fall under the upper, lower or middle South zone. A state can be all of one particular region or a mixture of two or three. For example, Florida’s region is completely coastal and tropical while South Carolina is a blend of coastal and tropical as well as lower and middle South.

Some states are located in the Southwestern Deserts region. California is divided into zones by whether it’s northern or southern California and is divided b coastal regions and inland valley too.

The Pacific Northwest is a region and the Western Mountains and High Plains is another. The remaining regions are the Northern Central Midwest, the Middle Atlantic and the New England Region.

To locate your region, look on the USDA map for your state and it will tell you what zone you’re in. The map will also tell you when to plant your garden. When planting a survival garden, you want to plant to what will grow well in your region.

Grain and corn can grow well in almost all the regions, as will beans and peas. You can grow staples such as oats and barley as well as tomatoes. Potatoes and carrots grow easily in most regions.

Cabbage, lettuce and squash make great foods for gardening as well. Broccoli and herbs should be in a survival garden and you don’t want to forget to grow fruits for making jams and jellies as well as for use in pies and other desserts. Fruits from the berry family (blueberries, raspberries and blackberries) are easily grown. Don’t forget to plant a section for herbs.

Almost everything that you grow in a garden, both fruits and vegetables, can be canned and safely stored as long as you make sure the food boils for at least 10 minutes. Foods that you can from your garden can keep for years, they’re healthier for you and will hold their fresh taste.

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Owning a Homesteading Chicken Coop

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Chicken coops are one of the most popular live animals additions to any homesteading property. Just as a cow can provide beef and milk, a chicken has a duel purpose, too ? eggs and meat.

You can either build your own chicken coop from scratch or purchase them in an assembly kit from an online source. Some local farming supply companies might even have them already put together for you.

You can build a portable chicken coop or a permanent one. You might want a portable small one to use in the event that you have to bug out and set up camp somewhere, and a permanent structure for a homesteading situation.

Some of the chicken coops double as rabbit hutches, if you plan to raise both rabbits and chickens for food sources. But make sure you keep them separate, even if they’re adjacent to one another.

You have to make sure that your chickens are well protected. Imagine waking up one day to discover that a predator has gotten into your chicken coop and devoured all of your chickens.

You want to build it slightly elevated off the ground and slanted to protect your chickens from snakes and other predators. Panel some of the walls so that they can gain access to your chickens.

You might want to allow your chickens the opportunity to roam on the flat land. You can do this and use solar powered electric charges on the fence to deter predators from trying to attack. A fake owl can also serve as a sort of scarecrow to keep hawks away.

You can get or build a chicken coop with more than one level. It should have a roosting bar and a nesting box inside. Try to make cleaning a cinch ? preferably with a removable pan that you can take out, spray, ad put back in.

Many of the chicken coops you can buy are made of fir wood. You want the design to be sturdy and roomy, and the house to be formidable to keep out predators. It should withstand weather easily.

Your chickens will need a good amount of air circulation, so make sure that’s a prominent factor in your design. You can download plans from the Internet if you want to build it yourself, and read reviews from consumers before you buy a pre-made one.

Some of the pre-made designs aren’t foolproof with protecting your chickens. A simple latch can be flipped by a savvy opossum or other predator, so you may have to make alterations to ensure the safety of your flock.

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One Must-Have Survival Kitchen Tool Is a Prepper Vacuum Sealer

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Food storage in a survival situation can be harrowing because you have to make sure you have plenty of room for your food stores and also keep the food safe and sealed. One kitchen tool can help with both of those issues ? a vacuum sealer.

Your food sealer will usually come with a pack of food sealing bags but if you’re prepping for long term storage, you do not want to use the clear plastic bags that come with the sealers.

These sealing bags are air permeable, and just like plastic water cartons, they will eventually deteriorate and leak air into your container, compromising the safety of the food.

Preppers will tell you that they use a different kind of bag to seal their foods in for long-term storage ? Mylar bags. And you don’t just use the Mylar bags ? you use oxygen absorbers along with them.

Mylar bags offer more durability (they don’t puncture easily like a plastic bag will). Plus, they provide light protection that see-through plastic food sealing bags don’t have. Some preppers use a combination of the two, double sealing each item.

Place your food item (such as grains or beans) inside the Mylar bag and add the oxygen absorber to the bag with the food. Some preppers use a flat iron to seal most of the bag shut, leaving enough room for a formidable straw (hard plastic, not disposable).

Using a vacuum sealer with an attachment hose, you attach the hose to the straw, which is inserted into the bag, and allow the machine to suck out as much air as possible. Then you seal it with the flat iron and remove the straw. You may not be able to get out every bit of air, but that’s what the oxygen absorber is for.

Another way you can do it by double sealing your meals. Place your entire meal into a Mylar bag with an oxygen absorber. Then place the Mylar bag into a regular plastic vacuum sealer bag and let the machine suck out all of the air for you before sealing it.

It takes awhile to seal big batches of food because most food sealers require the motor to cool down a bit before using them again and again. It’s good to do a little at a time, purchasing supplies on each grocery trip and sealing them off for storage.

You can reuse some bags, but make sure you have them marked so that you’re not putting raw meat with bacteria in a bag first and then putting other foods into the same bag afterwards.

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Living on a Survival Diet in a Pinch

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In the cities and towns of most states, there are dozens or more supermarkets. Fast food places are in abundance so there’s a never-ending variety of food choices. With all of these food choices, you might find it surprising to learn you can actually live and thrive on only a handful of different foods.

Not only can you thrive on fewer food choices, but your body will be able to get the nutrients it needs to be healthy even on less. Why is this important new? Because in the event of a natural catastrophe or a government economic meltdown, you’ll have to be prepared to survive.

When you have no access to supermarkets or other places that sell food, all you can count on are the food supplies that you can take in your backpack or the food that you get from living off the land.

Your body needs protein, fats and carbohydrates. Since a backpack can’t hold all of the food you need for a long-term survival situation, you have to be prepared. Your body has to have the bare necessities in order to live.

Some of these bare necessities are known as superfoods. They not only give the body great nutrients – such as iron and calcium – but they can be dried for longer periods of storage time, too.

You want to make sure that your body has what it needs to stay healthy, so you’ll want foods that contain vitamins and fiber. You’ll also want foods that are loaded with antioxidants, too.

Potassium foods are good for the body – as are foods that can lower your cholesterol. Foods from sea and natural waters can help provide the nutrients your body needs as well.

Getting ready now to live off the land makes good sense. If you have foods already growing that can feed yourself and your family, then you can do well with long term survival.

It’s a good idea to have emergency food packed, but you don’t know how long that food is going to have to last you and eventually the rations will run out. But you can begin now and plant foods that can be the staples you need.

You can grow fruit and all sorts of healthy foods. In fact, living off the land, off the foods you grow for yourself, is actually better for you than what you can buy prepackaged at the supermarket.

Prepare now by planning your garden with seeds and plants, but also take the time to learn what plants that grow in the wild are edible in case you and your family have to leave the area where your garden is growing.

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