Prepper Ammo and Firearms Storage
You want to set aside a stockpile of ammo and firearms because you may not be able to buy them when you need them. As with any stockpile of supplies, the way that ammo and firearms are stored is important.
While you might think that ammo is too durable to get damaged, it’s not true. There are some things that can cause ammo to break down. That’s why it’s important to know how to store it properly.
Heat is one of the things that is destructive for ammo. When ammo is exposed to high temperatures, over time, the powder begins to deteriorate and ammo that’s gone bad is no good to you when you need it.
You have to remember that metal expands in high temperatures. So, to protect it against that breakdown that’s caused by heat, store all of your ammo in a dry location. You want to store it in the original container that it comes in.
Slide the original container down inside another container that’s airtight and seal it up. Some people choose to use those surplus military ammo containers while other people use a dehumidifier where their ammo is stored.
You can also use moisture absorbers like those silica gel packs. If kept from the heat and other things that cause the ammo to break down, you can expect your ammo to last you at least 10 years or longer.
Moister is another problem with ammo. The moisture can wreak havoc with the ammo and can lead to misfires if used. Humidity is one of the causes of moisture damaging ammunition.
You want to keep the humidity level in the storage area as low as you possibly can. If you drop ammunition in water and then immediately use it, you won’t have a problem. It’s long term exposure to moisture that you have to worry about.
Light is a third thing that can damage ammo. You want to make sure that you keep your ammo stored in a dark place – away from light – especially sunlight since sunlight can cause temperature variances.
You want to follow the same rules for storing your firearms that you use for storing your ammo. Keep your firearms away from heat, moisture and light as well. Years ago, soldiers used to hide weapons.
Some preppers hide firearms beneath the ground in airtight, waterproof containers that are sealed in protective padding and wrapping and many years later, those firearms still work beautifully.
There are laws that govern the stockpiling of ammo and weapons so you want to make sure that you follow the laws for your state. For example, some of the laws prohibit people from stockpiling too much of either weapons or ammunition.
Check out laws referring to ‘stockpiling of weapons’ or ‘stockpiling of ammo.’ In some cities, you have to have permits if you want to store a lot of ammo and weapons. Then again, some people ignore this completely or store their weapons across many cities or states to be gathered in the event of an emergency.