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cheap Internet in your car or truck – I did this for under $200

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How to put 3G broadband in your car or truck using a usb modem with 5GB included (Dodo), a 300-500w Inverter from Belkin and some cables. You’ll need an old PC or netbook too. I spent 0 on this setup. It’s crap, but it works. This setup is in a rural area and is still fast.

this is the better video of my new sub but this camera cannot get the true sound down…so the video is pretty pointless. The name of the song is Number one spot by Ludacris. Also a little info on the Sub itself; it is a visonic 12″ 500 watt amp/enclosure i picked up at my local wal-mart for around , it was only on sale today. NOT BAD AT ALL!!! easy to install, looks and sounds great! but i might switch out the current woofer and replace it with a 1300w sony or a 1800w pioneer, we’ll see.
Video Rating: 2 / 5

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Posted August 15th, 2012 in 500 Watt Under $50. Tagged: , , , , , .


  1. clubbabyseals1:


  2. hanrickjones:

    I seriously doubt that?

  3. 0akie13:

    was that? sub even on?

  4. ChitownJoker911:

    visonics are shit?

  5. bigballa97:

    wow anyone else see that excursion better then the orion hcca or? w7 wow btw if ur still looking for a new amp try to buy a older kenwood or something if u aint got 500+ for a good one (dont buy a new kenwood/pionerr there junk) but hey everyone starts somewhere i use to have 2 8 inch midbass’s in my trunk back when i was 16 anyhow gl


    To add to my other comment, Visonik started out with small book shelf speakers in? the early 80’s. They started the “small speaker that seemed to have bass” craze we are in now.

  7. lowone21:

    that subwoofer? sucks ass

  8. KiNgOfThECoRn:

    does? it flex?

  9. benjamin241000:

    what is that for? a song

  10. NalasSecretMate:

    well we all know that woofer isnt slammin like fuck hard but its looks tight as shit no im not dissin on them but its a sweet ass woofer for just adding bass not trying to break glass and shit so heheh and that looks sweet as shit i would have it if i didnt want bass louder then 150db ha so ima so 5/5 cause its a tight as box and woffer and a nice headunit so? i gotta give that 5/5

  11. MSNIMSM:

    Visonik isn’t great but not to terribly bad at the same? time. Good just to add some punch.

  12. straitnocturnal:

    wtf dnt buy ur shit from? wal-mart

  13. MrEspressco:

    number? one spot from ludacris

  14. rtist1991:

    Number one spot by Luda?

  15. MrEspressco:

    whats the name of this song?

  16. drummerboy0:

    in my mind its better to have some? bass than none, but you should get yourself a headunit first

  17. nickram300:

    u? fail mine is better and it`s hocked up to my computer XD

  18. rtist1991:

    I sold this amp a while? ago for $15…and you are all was crap! im working on a much better replacement (coming soon)

  19. MATTx602:

    That sub is junk. It LOOKS awsome, but is worthless. Its good for people who dont want a lot of bass, just more than there stock system. I had that in my car bridged with two 10″ pioneer subs and it blew. The? other subs were just fine but the Visonik sub couldn’t even take 600watts bridged

  20. jasonbc69:

    lol thats fun for not alot of $ but its pretty much like hooking the? sub to the c.d player. not much power.

  21. almanCCC:

    lol that woofer is like 20$..

    id go with the vr3 sub from walmart,? its 20$

  22. cody1162:

    YES! lol yea u do have to hook ur? amp to the battery u also have to ground it. then u take ur remote wires and rca cables and run them to ur cd player and then u can hook ur subs up..

  23. cody1162:

    Because Visonik? subs Suck!!!

  24. cro0zfl3xd3x:

    i had two visonik 12’s and blew them two hours after installation. my ’09? clarion 10″ hits way harder than visonik.

  25. eric78852:

    First of all yes you do have to? have a power cable to you battery.

    After you install the amplifier then it will be easy to hook up the subwoofer and lso dis connect

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