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Clarion 12″ 500 watt sub in a box with a Logic Soundlab 980 watt amp?

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Question by Ted Rivers: Clarion 12″ 500 watt sub in a box with a Logic Soundlab 980 watt amp?
thnking about buying this for $ 200. is it a good deal?

Best answer:

Answer by inktownlegend
in car audio you always get what you pay for, and the sub might be OK but that amp is trash
when you buy an amp one of the most important things to look for is to see if it makes the wattage that it says it does (Cea-compliant) and its not over rated (like that one), companies get there reputations for a reason and if you have not heard of them its for a reason (Logic Soundlab?)

CEA-2006 Compliant
On May 28, 2003, the Consumer Electronics Association published standard CEA-2006, “Testing & Measurement Methods for Mobile Audio Amplifiers.” This “voluntary” standard advocates a uniform method for determining an amplifier’s RMS power and signal-to-noise ratio. Using 14.4 volts, RMS watts are measured into a 4-ohm impedance load at 1 percent Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) plus noise, at a frequency range (for general purpose amplifiers) of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Signal-to-Noise ratio is measured in weighted absolute decibels (dBA) at a reference of 1 watt into 4 ohms. This applies to both external amplifiers and the amplifiers within in-dash receivers.
CEA-2006 allows consumers to be able to compare car amplifiers and receivers on an equal basis. Manufacturers who choose to abide by the new standard are able to stamp their products with the CEA-2006 logo that reads: “Amp Power Standard CEA-2006 Compliant.”

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Posted November 11th, 2012 in Deals For 500 Watt. Tagged: , , .

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