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Confessions Of a Nursing Student (4)

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Just another day…kinda boring day, in the life of me…a 20 12 months old nursing student in North Carolina…surviving day to day. Love all of the comments and responces…love to hear what you guys are doing and where you are on you way to becoming nurses. : ) Wanna get to know me better…facebook me.

A history of the Skyline Cloggers of Charlotte, NC in pictures. The crew performed from 1978 to 1984. It was founded by Allen Cooke and started as a 2-couple staff. By summer of 1978 it expanded to a 4-couple team. The choreography was highly non-traditional at first the usage of figures from experimental Western square dance. Later we developed a extra traditional regimen because some competitions required it. It is ironic that the team won more contests using the Liza Jane routine than the Foggy Mountain Breakdown routine though. The team was North Carolina state champion in 1979, winning the title at Denver, NC in March and later that year won first position in adult precision clogging at the NC State Fair as well as numerous different competitions. The team gave the impression before Bill Monroe went on stage at a native show in 1979 and received a standing ovation from a crowd of 1200. They appeared at many programs, worked with a booking agent and also entertained for the rehab hospital and local nursing homes. Several dancers on the team won individual awards, notably Tim Norris and Olin Edwards. Allen Cooke was twice winner of his age division at the international championships. He and Bryan Craddock, director of the Hemlock Bluff Cloggers, teamed up in the male duo category and won the national championship in 1980. The team won 6th place overall in the world championships in 1980. The Skyline Cloggers danced intricate, fast moving figures at a speed of 160-166 beats per minute. They introduced a
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Posted July 14th, 2012 in Nursing Schools In Charlotte Nc. Tagged: , , .


  1. blackoil911:

    i heard the nurses have to clean the chit and put their hands in the ass? hole and wash if not u get fired not unless ur the 4 year program ””

  2. cmednc:

    @TheChynadoll92 i was just in? hospital and the nurses there said there were loads of jobs and they enjoyed where they were working. They said the pay wasn’t that great for the workload but that was it.

  3. 210Lotus:

    omg this is so funny but so true!? in the right field!


    why would? you tell us not to go into nursing?! That is pretty rude


    hey hannah, I’m a first? year nursing student.. can I add you on facebook?

  6. FirdaousEjannah78:

    Thank you so much? your word are so encouraging, I will do it as soon as I can, hopefully I am single and have plenty of time my unique issue was that I forgot lots of the basics, thank you for taking time to consider my posting. have a wonderful life.

  7. mygodsaves:

    @LMRA177……I graduated in ’95 and have a full time job and a family and I just started last winter the core class to nursing school and I couldn’t be happier. It is very challenging for me b/c of losing time from the family but in the end is will be so worth it! Go and do it!!! Take the placement test and if you have forgotten the basic’s the school will put you in a refresher course if you don’t meet the requirments! ?

  8. LMRA177:

    Hi Hannah, I am planning to? go to college for nursing but I have a problem I am working and am not sure if this will allow me to focus well in my studies.. am really hesitating and scared plus it’s been long time that I got my HS in 2005 and almost forgot all the staff we chimestry+biology+math… what do you suggest me? please I wait for your answer

  9. mayacassis:

    hey could you direct me to a video or page where i learn how to do the iv please.thanks.i love your videos?

  10. yaderi89:

    thanks for the great info. regarding ur experiences as a student nurse.
    will be starting the program in a coupled of weeks , very excited and nervous at the same time. Im from? Ventura, California.

  11. 19tallboy81:


  12. busterbone:

    also if u ask people in? mixed company about their bladder and bowel habits even if they r eating and glove up before anything potential infectious around ur house including a first date.

  13. corya06:

    U kno ur a nursing student if 1. U open the fridge door&notice that the already opened milk has been dated&timed&has ur initials on it. 2 U keep the sterile field even when u cook. 3 U? have used restraints&it was not a sexual experience. 4 U shake a persons hand&find yourself feeling for a vein to decide which size IV catheter ud use. 5 U discuss the consistency of your patients poop on ur lunch break & thats not weird

  14. corya06:

    ahhh this is definitely gonna start doing these…”A Day in the Life of a Nursing? Student!!!”

  15. KXRida:

    Welcome to nursing!!! I’m a nursing student from Pennsylvania. It’s a great field to get in, but the schooling up here is so unorganized it’s unreal. I graduate in 3 weeks, so I’m excited and already have a job lined up.? Have fun and I wish you the best of luck

  16. STAGNES01:

    what song? are you playing?

  17. 05jodie:

    we need an update I am a nursing student also and have not started clinical at this time we start next month this helps me? know what to expect thanks

  18. JadexBambrough:

    Hey hannah! I love watching your Videos, im only 15 but i want to be an adult nurse some day too. My mother says the best way to? see if someone will suceed in a certain career is to see how they talk about it. And when i watch your videos, you can tell you really want to help people (even though you can also tell your stressed at times and tired too!) good luck x

  19. flca:

    i just graduate, but going to continue my degree..getting my licensing exam this june..lolz.i think as a student nurse, we really learnt a lot..happy, sad, depressed, and stress and lots fun to be in nursing school…gain lots of knowledge..

  20. 1stsmosh:

    Advanced Training: the? PICC LINE!!

  21. idonotneedanidforyou:

    u fixed? ur hair. looks nice

  22. karlwalsh13:

    u look like jamie? linn spears,,,lol

  23. hannahdemarco:

    In my experience I have only been able to find websites wiht groups of less than 50 or so practice questions with answers…they are hard to find on the internet. If I were you I’d buy an NCLEX book (I know,spending even more money on nursing!) and go through and highlight the answers…and turn in the book…or you could rent a book from the library, make? copies of pages and highlight the answers…I hope this helps!

  24. friendnhim:

    hey we have to practice 1500 NCLEX questions by April and show proof that we did? them. I was wondering if u knew a good website so that I could print off my score with the amt of questions I completed.

  25. hannahdemarco:

    This is making me intimidated!! But? if I do what I’m supposed to do…i know i’ll enjoy it!

  26. warehambr:

    Jimmy, One other thought, Bryan and I did that routine only a few times and let it go. He decided later to keep it alive and made a? line dance and duet out of it. I had moved away by then.

  27. warehambr:

    Jimmy, Thanks, and that would have been cool to see. I’d like to find any footage that may have been made from the audience of any of our routines. I’ve got a handful of good students now and want to get them to form a team and me coach it. I’m looking for more good dancers in the Charlotte area. As for me, I want to find people interested in smooth dance and form a? group to do that, which I will participate in.

  28. needsomeokra:

    These were great to see, Allen. I like those high, sharp kicks. I told Bryan it’s really a shame there isn’t video footage? of y’all doing the Foggy Mountain duo competition.

  29. warehambr:

    @MsJenniferTerry, Jennifer, The same Bryan Craddock was in the album, but his team was and still is called the Hemlock Bluff Cloggers. We adopted him into the Skyline Cloggers of Charlotte, but he only danced a duo routine with me when they had the male duos at Fontana in 1980. We won first place at Knoxville and Ocean City, which was then the “National” championship. Bryan has posted some Hemlock Bluff material, I have? also posted several clips of my teams.

  30. MsJenniferTerry:

    Is this Bryan Craddock, of Cary NC fame, of my former & favorite clogging teacher fame? Did/do you teach at the Wade Ave community center? The Bryan Craddock I clogged for for only a few months, but including that NC State Fair for which we purchased the burgundy golf shirts? I can’t remember what you called your teams. Anyway, I genuinely believe you are THE? best clogger alive and wish you’d post vids of you solo. Hope you’re doing well!
    Kindest Regards,
    Jennifer Terry

  31. warehambr:

    @elvis3700, There is a team called Skyline Country Cloggers presently in Virginia, but the Skyline Cloggers? of Charlotte dissolved in 1984. We did have a reunion last year though. I wish some of the other clogging teams from the late 1970s would post videos, because there were some really great teams at that time. It was really a golden age for clogging, before the tap dancers took over.

  32. elvis3700:

    From what I have seen on one website, the club is still in existance.?

  33. warehambr:

    @elvis3700, The team was in Charlotte, NC. These pictures are 30 years old! We wanted to show folks of this generation? a glimpse of clogging in the “pre-modern” era. One of the original members does have an active team in Mooresville, NC that she dances with and directs.

  34. elvis3700:

    WOW!!! Where is your? group based out of? I would love to be able to see you perform live.

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