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Dental Drill Repair Franchises – The Ideal Work From Home opportunity

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If you are looking for a home-based business then you should consider a dental drill repair franchise. A franchise will give you more chance of success, though there is an upfront cost to be borne. This will pay for your training in the business, including how to handle the financial side of things.

Dental drill repairs are necessary because of wear and tear in the bearings caused by use as well as by the essential heat sterilization of the hand piece recommended by FDA and other national bodies.

The hand-piece is the part that contains the moving parts, so this is the most commonly serviced item. Hand-pieces can be returned to manufacturers or repaired by third party contractors at a lower cost.

Dentists have to heat sterilize their hand-pieces between patients, so have between 8 and 12 hand-pieces each. Each hand-piece needs servicing several times a year. The manufacturers’ prices for this service are very high. This means that there is an opening for third party repair businesses.

Dental drill repair home businesses, including franchise opportunities are exploding. The work involved is very simple. All you need is a large, clean table or desk, preferably in a room you can set aside just for the business, because the pieces are small and you cannot be working surrounded by computers, books and papers.

Dental hand-pieces are powered by air turbine motors. Rebuilding these hand-pieces consists of taking them completely apart, replacing tiny ball bearings, O-rings, etc. and putting them back together again. Anyone who has replaced screws in spectacles has the dexterity required to do this.

There are other business opportunities in this field that are even more simple. You can simply collect the parts from dentists, post them away, then delivering the repaired parts back to the dentist with an invoice.

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Posted July 5th, 2021 in Earn Money Online.

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