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These are the biggest pieces of shit subs you can buy, this is only hooked up to a 500 watt Sony xPlode amplifier. What you didn’t see is after taping stopped, the sub completely exploded!
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Posted November 18th, 2012 in Buy 500 Watt Online. Tagged: , .



    lightning audio are actually good decent subs, they are made by rockford fosgate, dont think? they would put there name on a shitty sub

  2. tombeach22:

    i have a lightnig audio 12″ and it pounds harder than anything so you can? go count your dick brah

  3. nandiito:

    If you find a dog’s shit and hook it up to the same 500 watt Sony xPlode amplifier, I’m pretty sure I would make a better bass than that crap. Lol

    I think 500W are too much for that sub,? that might be why it blew up.

  4. buba7870:

    rockford is good? but kicker is way better

  5. ArcticGTS:

    MB Quart,? JL Audio, Focal

  6. drewbaby20:

    what? do you run?

  7. drewbaby20:

    but still? shittier than alot as well

  8. ArcticGTS:

    Lol? defend it all you want. RF is still shit.

  9. drewbaby20:

    oh? okay. they still blow

  10. drewbaby20:

    you suck dick, rockford kills,? lightning audio is a cheap excuse

  11. ArcticGTS:

    For what it’s worth… Lightning Audio = Rockford Fosgate.

    Funny thing is… both companies? suck dick.

  12. drewbaby20:

    i live in regina, saskatchewan canada, but ya most shops arent like that except the one i took my car to is the oldest one in my city.? stupid. lol

  13. fish580:

    sorry? to hear that. we had a few so called shops around here like that for a while. high prices shitty work. but they don’t stay in business long. what state do ya live in

  14. drewbaby20:

    oh your 16, ya you are just bullshitting about getting? jackhammers.. good.

  15. drewbaby20:

    btw the first message is directed at fish580 and? the second is directed at GODuvG3ARS

  16. drewbaby20:

    why are u getting jackhammers? are? u making a show car? if not, dont buy them.. total waste of money.

  17. drewbaby20:

    but on the other hand, it is good to DIY, cuz half the shops around do a shitty ass job cuz they really dont think you will care.. i havent had the experience of that cuz i do do it all myself and am very glad i do.. i had an alarm installed though, what a dumb idea, my high beams dont work anymore, my cig lighter is gone they were fiddeling around with my system (i took my subs out before i took it in though!) i was? not very impressed by these shops

  18. fish580:

    since i own my shop and I’m the installer i install it myself but if i was you and you don’t completely understand systems I’d take it to a couple of your local respectable shops and get shop prices. it’s well worth the money to get it installed right the first time. I’ve seen way to many people hook up systems wrong or have the wrong box and blame the equipment and say it was junk when the only problem was they? jacked it up themselfs. what kinda cd player you using?

  19. LOOPKOOL205:

    where would you go to get the subs? installed?

  20. fish580:

    i’m a hifonics dealer and for the money they are a bad ass amp. most the people on here have no real clue about car audio. they? think you have to drop a lot of cash to have a clean system

  21. fish580:

    don’t listen to people on here on whats the best. go to a respectable shop and tell them how much money you got to spend and what you’re looking for? in performance youre looking for and they’ll match you up with a system. i good installer can make cheaper systems sound good

  22. Patrick Supina:

    Yeah no shit, it? wasn’t designed for free air

  23. brandonlaabs:

    well no shit it? sucks. put it in a damn box

  24. hedoesitallday315:

    lol is that a serious question no an explode is pretty close to? bottom. they do sell them in walmart

  25. hedoesitallday315:

    dude just wondering why you buy one of the sickest amps and not match it with sick nasty subs…. get 4 tc sounds lms? ultra 18s

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