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Entry Requirements for Nursing School

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Nursing has become one of the most popular professions and it is getting more difficult to be admitted to one of the many nursing schools. What are the educational requirements? 0:55 And the non-academic necessities? 1:24 helps students who are preparing for the TEASĀ®
Video Rating: 5 / 5, Paul K. Anderson, CRNA, MSN answers your questions about turning into a CRNA. He recently published a FREE SPECIAL REPORT “The Laser Focused CRNA school Application” which is available for no charge at his website http In this video Paul discusses the requirements for making use of to a nurse anesthesia training program. This includes being a Registered Nurse, completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing or other accepted field, and having at least one year of acute care training. This information is valuable for you if you are interested in becoming a nurse anesthetist, looking to advance from RN to CRNA, and applying to a CRNA training or education program.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted March 21st, 2012 in Nursing School Requirements. Tagged: , , , .


  1. dman9191984:

    Hi! ? great videos. I am very passionate about becoming a CRNA, I’m just finishing my first semester of my BSN, so I have a little ways to go yet! I was wondering what you think a good GPA is to be competitive as far as getting into a CRNA school. I don’t have the highest GPA ever, but what are your thoughts on this topic? Do you think that the level of acute care experience would greatly overshadow the academic portion of an application?

  2. iamthomasray:

    Thanks for? your Help Paul!

  3. becomeaCRNA:

    @iamthomasray in my opinion, you will first need to become licensed as an RN in one of the United States. Contact the Board of Nursing in that state and? determine what you need to complete that step. Once that is completed, determine the admission requirements for the CRNA program and set your plan to meet these. Being an anesthesia technician will not meet any of the prerequisites, yet help your application stand out from others, showing a working knowledge of anesthesia that you can build on.

  4. iamthomasray:

    hi i’m a RN from the philippines, who? is currently working in Saudi Arabia as an ANESTHESIA TECHNICIAN in the OR basically my job here is assisting the Anesthetists, in a year or two im planning to move to the US where i can pursue further studies and become a CRNA, do you think that my experience as an ANESTHESIA TECHNICIAN is enough to make me qualify for CRNA schools? and what else do i have to do to qualify aside from getting a license in one of the states. thanks!

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