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Do you require to start a home based business? Do you reckon you have what it takes? i am going to tell you how I failed at my first home based business. Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes & succeed.

there’s many home based business opportunities. a number of them are internet related & some are not. You can start something out of your own imagination. Or you can order a plug-n-play system from somebody else.

My problem is that I got so overwhelmed with the potential that I didn’t pay attention to the details. I saw that I could make big money & that is all I saw. In the back of my mind I knew that I would not enjoy the work required to make this business a success. But I kept looking at the dollar signs. I kept telling myself that I could do something that I wasn’t comfortable doing if it meant becoming rich.

I require to tell you about a home based business & why I failed at it. it is because I had unrealistic expectations. I dreamed about being my own boss & quitting my day job. I came across an opportunity that seemed too lovely to be true. & it was. Don’t get me wrong. This opportunity was legitimate & a lot of people have made a lot of money with it.

You see, i am not comfortable with person to person sales. This job required that I make face to face sales. It required that I run advertising to promote my business. It then required that I make numerous phone calls to sell my product & build a down-line.

I spent a tremendous amount of money on advertising. & I got a lot of results. But each result required that I call the person & try to make a sale. I was so uncomfortable making these calls. I would spend several hours making the calls & by the time I was done, I would be so stressed out that I could not relax. It got to where I could not sleep at night. Eventually I got so stressed that I stopped making the calls. All of the advertising amounted to a huge loss because I was unable to follow up on the leads.

In summary, pick the business opportunity that is right for you. Don’t start a business because somebody else has made money on it. Concentrate on building a business that is right for you & the profits will come.

Here are some important points for you to follow if you require to succeed.

1. Examine the business opportunity & be realistic. If the job is going to require you to take actions that you are uncomfortable with, then you won’t succeed.

2. Ignore the $$$ & pick something you like doing. If you don’t like what you are doing, you won’t succeed.

3. Stay within your personal potential. because John Doe makes $1000 a week doing a business from home doesn’t mean you will. It takes different kinds of people to do different things. Not everybody can succeed at the same thing.

4. Stick with a budget. Don’t let somebody else talk you into spending more money then you can afford.

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Posted September 12th, 2021 in Earn Money Online.

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