Help on buying a 1000 watt 1 channel amp?
Question by : Help on buying a 1000 watt 1 channel amp?
I need a amp that isn’t expensive like fosgate but a good buy.
The speakers I’m getting are 2 12 in pionner dual voice coil 4 ohm speakers and max watt of 1200 each. I can ge the jl amp that is one channel and 1000 watt max and it is stable at 1 ohm. I’m going to bridge the speakers to one ohm so would be a great amp?
Best answer:
Answer by Karle
so look for a used fosgate on ebay or ur local pawn shops….
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
At what ohm stable does the amp have to be your looking for?
You want to look at the RMS not the peak power when looking for an amp. But you are right about looking for a mono amp that’s 1 ohm stable since you have the 2 dual 4’s.
Wiring Diagram if you need it:
August 5th, 2012 at 2:11 pm
Here is the best amplifier for your buck:
August 5th, 2012 at 2:53 pm