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How long does fresh juice from a juice machine last?

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Question by GODFATHER: How long does fresh juice from a juice machine last?
I love V8, but I want to start making it in my juice machine. How long can I keep it in my refrigerator to maintaine high quality and taste. I have heard as little as 2 hours only. That can’t be right though. I was hopeing for a little longer than that.

Best answer:

Answer by niclovesjeremy
I wo uld have to say keep it less than a week. Basically it is fresh veggies, so it will only last as long as a diced tomato normally would. I would add some lemon juice and salt and that should help it to maintain it’s freshness. It would also depend on the veggies you use. The fresher the veggies the longer the juice will remain fresh in the refrigerator. Two hours would be when its the freshest, but it won’t go bad for at least a couple of days. Have fun with your juice machine. 😀

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Posted October 14th, 2012 in Juice Machine. Tagged: , , , , , .

One comment:

  1. beebs:

    sadly, it is right. I have been juicing twice daily for years, and have tried all the shortcuts. The enzymes start to break juice down in as little as 15 minutes. It will get slimy and thick if you don’t. You need to juice and drink it right away. I wish there were an easier way, but trust me, you will be wasting your time and money-I learned the hard way. Happy Juicing. Ever try sprouting? Makes yummy juice

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