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India unveils $30 tablet PC (Android) – India’s iPad

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New Delhi: India unveiled a Rs 1500 (around to dollars) tablet PC designed specifically for students. The device would be made available to students in 2011. The device, no bigger than a conventional laptop, is a single unit system with a touch screen and a built in keyboard along with 2GB RAM, Wi-Fi connectivity, USB port and powered by a 2-watt system to suit poor power supply areas.
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Posted March 5th, 2013 in Bargain 500 Watt. Tagged: , , , , , .


  1. walle1999:

    Turns out these tablets were rebadged oem straight from Chinese manufacturers, sigh Indians…?

  2. ipodneoairsoft:

    All of you retard nexus and apple fuck’s are missing the bigger picture. You fail to see that people with less fortunate will have technology for the first time. These? guy’s are true legit when they say for education. I feel proud for India and I hope they bring their technology to Mexico and Salvador etc.

  3. Lukasz Szkutak:

    hahahahaha GALAXY NEXUS 10 300PPI. cheap $400 and mini usb? and mini hdmi. google and samsung wins……. again!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. mahmood369:

    its for purpose 500 rupees is like £5 and for poor indian? students it may eventually be a possibility

  5. SimpleWiFi:

    Good? stuff here. Hopefully we’ll all have free wireless sooner than later!

  6. Marco Rosales:

    Technology is? just overpriced.

  7. damagon123:

    A good chunk of apple owners bought apple because it’s the most popular, not because its the most valueable. Hell apple can put a itamagochi on the market? and it will sell for $800 and people will buy it. Whether or not its worth it doesn’t matter to them, as long as it’s apple they’ll pay up. You know that;s the truth, because that’s the american way of doing things. Dont be in denial.

  8. Selpuchureshelper356:

    thats pretty cool but i? can tell the touchscreen sucks

  9. Selpuchureshelper356:

    the galaxy tab?

  10. Selpuchureshelper356:

    i? think its like 399 or sumthing

  11. Bobby Java:

    well dude, if u dont understand everything with a screen and no keyboard is not an ipad alternative then …… iPad is expensive for right reasons. u dont really think all those people that go and buy ipad donno anything about cheaper? alternatives, do u? The screen quality alone is good enough reason for me to pay the price, and is Galaxy cheaper than iPad?

  12. Selpuchureshelper356:

    But it makes me fell stupid buying my? iPad

  13. Selpuchureshelper356:

    Yay poor kids can now hav tablets?

  14. ksrnate:


  15. philip dasaro:

    gotta love that slave labor over there.?

  16. Sunil Singh:

    wow…. i m excited not? because of the cheap price of this gadget but because it will bring down the prices of other tablets of well known brands. …..

  17. thegreatNEb:

    It’s going to be just like what Adidas are trying to do with the $1 trainers for India.

    A product that functions similarly to comparable products from other companies (in this case like the iPads, Galaxy Tablets, and Playbooks of this world), but one that will most certainly reflect? it’s lower price tag in overall performance.

    It will be work like a tablet, but it’s going to be quite obvious to anyone who has used an iPad/etc why it only costs $30!

  18. rich smith:

    selling cheaply to INDIAN? STUDENTS probably not availabe out of india

  19. govindpisharody:

    when will dey? start distrubuting???
    iam impatient

  20. Vikram Arora:

    how to? buy it?

  21. Umair Amjad:


  22. AAInventors:

    Are you sure.. are you saying that? this Aakash is not worth buying…

  23. vicky1852:

    call me punjab in amritsar? 9876575209

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