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K&H Ultimate All-In-One Stock Tank De-Icer 1000-Watt Removable Floater Ring

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K&H Ultimate All-In-One Stock Tank De-Icer 1000-Watt Removable Floater Ring

  • THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED: This deicer automatically turns on and off as needed to keep your stock tank from freezing.
  • FLOATING OR SUBMERSIBLE: This deicer can be used as a floating deicer or a submersible deicer and includes a full cage and cord clip.
  • SAFE FOR ALL STOCK TANKS: The K&H Ultimate Deicers are safe for all stock tanks. Please refer to the zone chart by scrolling down to the “From the Manufacturer” section to choose which deicer is perfect for your area and stock tank.
  • 2 YEAR WARRANTY: K&H 2 year manufacturer’s warranty included
  • ELECTRICAL SAFETY LISTED: This product has been rigorously tested and is certified by MET Laboratories to exceed USA and Canadian electrical safety standards. Don’t be deceived by electrical products that have not been tested and certified by an accredited nationally recognized testing laboratory.

The new Farm Essentials line from K&H Manufacturing has reinvented the wheel when it comes to keeping fresh water available in the winter. Every K&H de-icer is safe in all stock tanks, unlike nearly all of the other de-icers available in the market today. No expensive shrouds or cages need be purchased either. Every one of our de-icers can be used as a floating de-icer out of the box or in seconds converts to a submersible de-icer with the click of a button. In the past, all that was readily ava

List Price: $ 37.99

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Posted June 2nd, 2017 in Deals For 1000 Watt. Tagged: , , , , , , , , .

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