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Littleton Buffalo Nickels 1913-1938 Album LCA22

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Littleton Buffalo Nickels 1913-1938 Album LCA22

  • This album contains 3 pages with spaces for all regular P, D and S Mint issues 1913-1938, including 1913 Varieties 1 & 2 from all 3 mints.
  • Eleven spaces are unlabeled at the end of the album for additional storage.
  • Each order includes a pair of cotton gloves for handling coins.
  • Made in U.S.A.

Littleton albums are acid-free and PVC-free to provide archival-quality, long-term storage of your coins. The sturdy 3-ring binder has a brief history about the series printed on the inside cover of the front page along with mintage figures on the back cover. Clear plastic slides within each page ensure secure storage and allow for easy viewing of both sides the coin. Each page has the ports labeled with information about the coin, brass eyelets to reinforce the page, and thumb holds make slide

Price: $ 20.85

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Posted February 26th, 2012 in Buffalo Nickels. Tagged: , , , , , .

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