Marvel Comics World War Hulk Trailer

Marvel Comics World War Hulk Trailer from the New York Comic Con.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Marvel Comics World War Hulk Trailer from the New York Comic Con.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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If you want to see hulk “get his groove on”? check out superheroes shopping trip. It’s funny as hell. There is all so darth mual and flash as well. Check it out omg!!!
January 28th, 2012 at 8:41 pm@UchihaGamer111 About the MH vs LT thing, Hulk would win since LT’s strength has limits like the rest of his powers; as I said on my last comment, you would need the HOTU to be tied with him in that category.
January 28th, 2012 at 8:53 pmNow, regarding the Hulk vs TOAA thing, you are right, he is exaggerating. When Thanos had HOTU’s infinite power in Marvel: The? End, he easily defeated LT and all the other cosmics; but later he realized that TOAA’s power is even superior and that he was always his puppet. So, TOAA wins.
@spiderman5200 Sorry to bother you dude, I just really wan’t you’re opinion on this. Ok so I asked, if there was a unbreakable rope with one character pulling each side in a tug of war who would win. I put Mindless Hulk against The Tribunal. Now i’m not going to go into how that went, but the guy is saying the Hulk is as strong physically as The One Above All. Now…don’t you agree this is going a little far? I mean, if TOAA? thinks he is stronger he’ll be stronger no matter what right?
January 28th, 2012 at 9:42 pm@UchihaGamer111 Any character with the Infinity Gauntlet can destroy Mindless Hulk easily making use of the wide variety? of powers the gems grant them; but if you are talking about a fight of punches and strength and nothing more, then Hulk would win since even the power of those gems has limits and that includes strength. You may think I’m exaggerating, but it’s in fact pure logic, infinite > finite and infinite = infinite. This means you would need the HOTU just to be tied with him in strength
January 28th, 2012 at 10:36 pmMake it into? a movie please?
January 28th, 2012 at 10:59 pm@spiderman5200 Ok then anyone with? the Infinity Gauntlet vs Mindless Hulk.
January 28th, 2012 at 11:11 pm@UchihaGamer111 Well, that version? of Superman Prime is called Superman Prime One Million. I don’t know if he has unlimited strength and resistance but Mindless Hulk certainly does. If so, then it would be a draw; if not, then Superman would have to use another of his powers to win another way. For example, he could use magic to go back in time to save Bruce from the nuclear explosion that created Hulk.
January 28th, 2012 at 11:14 pm@spiderman5200 Been? meaning to ask you. Mindless Hulk vs Golden Superman Prime Who do you think would win?
January 29th, 2012 at 12:09 amdoode i hope they make this a movie.. OH MAN I HOPE.. planet hulk was? awesome.. and loved the anime version.. now only if world war hulk will be made into a movie too.. one of the greatest comic series
January 29th, 2012 at 12:13 amseeing that hulk kicked every ones ass and didnt even die at the end, i never though they would make this movie. they better? not half ass it
January 29th, 2012 at 12:59 am@UchihaGamer111 When Jean Grey inhibited the Banner’s persona from Hulk’s mind during the fight against Onslaught (leaving only the Hulk’s persona), Hulk became an entity made of an infinite amount of pure anger (which resulted in infinite strength); this incarnation is known as “Mindless Hulk” and? is his strongest form so far, so Superman doesn’t even have to make Hulk angry himself. But you’re right, Supes could beat Hulk before he achieves the necessary level if his first punch is too strong.
January 29th, 2012 at 1:41 amWill Marvel make a World War Hulk DVD?? I sure hope so because I’ve heard that World War Hulk takes the word UNSTOPPABLE toa new defination. So I would like to see it weather it is real or animated.
January 29th, 2012 at 2:18 am@spiderman5200 I don’t know I just don’t see how Superman is going to be Hulk angrier then a million of his people he ruled dying. And I think some? versions of Supes could beat Hulk before Hulk could get close to being that angry. Besides Superman has never uses his full power in his troll forms. Besides how is Hulk going to hit some one who can move faster than light in some forms? I’ll say Hulk is closer than originally but he can’t beat some forms of Superman sorry.
January 29th, 2012 at 2:42 am@UchihaGamer111 There are many sites with that information,? like “respect” threads, dicussion forums like Comic Vine and sources of information; just use Google and you will find it. BTW, it is well known that Hulk has broken dimensional barriers in the past too. And Celestial-level characters (like Onslaught) are way above Skyfathers, who in turn are capable of destroying entire galaxies; so, Superman’s solar system feat isn’t that impressive.
January 29th, 2012 at 3:23 am@spiderman5200 And Superman still? sneezed and destroyed a solar system or at least a 5 planets of it.
January 29th, 2012 at 3:59 am@spiderman5200 link to scans because I’ve never seen the black hole feat, or heard of that from anyone but you. I’m not saying you’re lying and if it’s true I’ll give hulk a lot more credit, because I have read World War Hulk, and Planet Hulk. And I know he? destroyed an asteroid twice the size of earth, and he cracked Onslaught’s armor. But shit Superman punched his way into a different dimension. And quit acting like the only form of Superman that can be used is the original one.
January 29th, 2012 at 4:01 am@UchihaGamer111 The Superman who lifted 200 quintillion tons was All-Star Superman, not normal Superman. And guess what, on one occasion Hulk held a black hole open with his bare hands to let Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer and Namor get out of it. And on another occasion the? concussive force wave of one of Mindless Hulk’s punches was felt throughout countless dimensions and planets. So, haw haw.
January 29th, 2012 at 4:23 am@spiderman5200 Also be serious Superman can exceed the Speed of Light, he traveled to the Vega system and back in seconds and thats 26 light years away. And that is current Superman, he also lifted 200 quintillion tons. Like I said get? some actual comparable feats. black holes can destroy solar systems and Superman manipulated one like it was nothing.
January 29th, 2012 at 5:08 am@spiderman5200 Google Superman sneezes away Solar System look at the first scan it should show it might be under google pictures, learn something then get back to? me.
January 29th, 2012 at 5:29 am@UchihaGamer111 First of all, you would need Superman Prime or Superman Prime One Million to sneeze the solar system away because not even Pre-Crisis? Superman could do that. Also, whether you like it or not, that fight’s result was decided by comparing their popularity levels. Plus, Hulk has unlimited strength while Superman doesn’t. End of the story.
January 29th, 2012 at 6:16 am@UchihaGamer111 AMEN TO THAT?
January 29th, 2012 at 6:41 am@ApexPredator95 Hulk fan’s are retards dude. You give them facts and feats proving you’re pick is stronger or faster or anything then the Hulk and they just say “Well hulk can get infinitely strong because he has infinite anger”. They compare a guy called the World Breaker (Hulk), to a? guy who sneezed a solar system with multiple planets away in a single sneeze (Superman). When the Hulk can cause destruction covering billions of miles in a single action, i’ll say he’s worthy.
January 29th, 2012 at 7:02 am@phenom1sama Yea Superman’s a popularity vote lmao. Like? always, when has the Hulk sneezed and destroyed most of a Solar System? Oh that’s right Hulk can’t affect anything more than a planet. WTF is Hulk g’onna do when Superman sneezes the solar system he’s in away? Hmmm?
January 29th, 2012 at 7:44 am@Lordlt82 How in the flying fuck is Silver Age superman non canon? That’s about the dumbest shit anyone has ever said. And current Superman can hold Black holes in his hands and lifted a Quintilian tons. Superman flew to the Vega system? and back in seconds and the Vega system is 26 light years away. So he can do what takes light years in seconds meaning he is vastly superior to light speed. Next excuse?
January 29th, 2012 at 7:57 am@spiderman5200 Yea that’s all wonderful? did Hulk sneeze away 4 planets? Didn’t think so Superman owning Hulk was just Superman owning Hulk. WTF is Hulk gonna do if Superman sneezes the solar system he’s in away? No comparison quit trying.
January 29th, 2012 at 8:17 am