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Metro Vacuum ED500 DataVac 500-Watt 0.75-HP Electric Duster

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see full reviews @ This newest addition to Metro’s proven DataVac line has been completely redesigned from the ground-up. It is much more compact and comfortable to use than previous models and features a new, almost unbelievably powerful 500-watt motor that literally blasts dust, dirt, and debris off expensive computer/electronic equipment to keep it running at peak efficiency. The new DataVac electric duster is a “greener,” more effective, and cost-efficient alternative to the controversial “canned air” products.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Posted July 29th, 2012 in 500 Watt Reviews. Tagged: , , , , , , , .


  1. ovinophile:

    I find this video intensely satisfying. Gotta get one? of these.

  2. bobbysfv:

    Good video, convinced me to buy one.? Now you can thrown that old IDE pc in the trash.

  3. dedasdude:

    see this

  4. HishamJapan:

    now that’s what i call a dusty computer? 🙂

  5. gmanwhiz:

    Got one for my b-day – f’n awesome! Between work, home and my truck, I can think of? about a million uses for this device. SO much better than canned air!

  6. Cloud3413:

    i want one now lol?

  7. Droogie128:


  8. LuckyRain7:

    cool,? thx

  9. TheHaloDon:

    No,? just connect it to an outlet.

  10. LuckyRain7:

    do you need compressed? air cans for it ?

  11. mewimi:

    Those are some very? old Dells lol

  12. ixmusiqxi:

    Nice Dell.?

  13. truckensafely:

    Thanks for the review, love it so I didnt waste anytime, just ordered mine from B&H for? 60 greens.

  14. MASKOAA:

    Just got mine today….its amazing. Pro tip to get the fans throughly clean you need to hold the fan still or else it’ll just? spin really fast lol.

  15. Chris Lovero:

    i must buy this… I? am so sick and tired of how inefficient the cans are.

  16. StevenKW:


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