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this thing blows cleaned out 4 computers today probably my most productive I have been all month
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Nesco/American Harvest 500 Watt Food Dehydrator
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Posted August 27th, 2012 in 500 Watt Reviews. Tagged: , , , , , , , , .


  1. Herro Goodbye:

    thanks for the reply.?

  2. PawnozTV:

    still working? perfectly

  3. Herro Goodbye:

    no problems? with it so far? thinking about buying one.

  4. psycold:

    I lolled when you? first turned it on

  5. Sangrex2:

    the shit cleans so well. People might think the price is bad but if? you think about it two good compressed air cans cost 20$ here in nyc so in the long run u save money with this and its got like a 5year motor warranty!!

  6. PawnozTV:

    just being sarcastic? haha~

  7. Sangrex2:

    YOU DONT LIKE IT?!? Or you being? sarcastic saying it blows!! it made my case and most of my inner pieces look like new!!

  8. Mazan34:

    I have this one which is awesome!!! I make dried fruits for my bunny and dog!
    Also, instead of fresh fruits I have also made can food “peach” which? was also very tasty!
    Love it!!!!!!

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