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My Friends Custom Built Computer

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AMD Athlon64 x2 7750 @ 3ghz 3mb Total cache AM2+ 4gb DDR2-800 RAN 4850 + 2600XT Crossfire 500 watt PSU TA790GX A2+ 160gb SATA2 7750 + TA790GX= 2 Power Supply= 2600XT= 4850= 0 4gb DDR2-800 Harddrive~ Total ~ 2 Ide like to see someone build an intel system that matches this system for that price. This computer is really fast. Crysis 1280 x 720 8x AA All very high, plays perfect, no lagg anywhere. And dont leave stupid comments because i dont want to hear them and the delete button is really easy to press.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted August 14th, 2012 in 500 Watt Under $50. Tagged: , , , .


  1. smb123w64gb:

    Um well whats that case’s name. i got a pc? from a dump one time with that same case.

  2. tangypasta:

    u? sound slightly australian?

  3. thedeather5:

    how can u crossfire? a 4850 and 2600xt

  4. bobothetwit:

    uses lass power,? good for laptops. BUT AMD HAS UNLOCKING! Took a $90 Phenom II X2 to a $200 Phenom II X4 at 3.6ghz!!!


    Your smart. Thats a good build. You wont need to upgrade for a long time. I would recommend you? upgrade the motherboard though.

  6. gregsb100:

    and two cards that support it. There is a list on ATI’s? site

  7. DanielandAmari:

    can you crossfire any cards? together?

  8. yang26129:

    nice nice nice! i want! sell to me?

  9. Legendation:

    Bad cable management.? :). Haha. Nice com anyways. Hoping to put up a video of my computer soon. 🙂

  10. Pwningnoobsallday:

    ya i just built? an intel system that was like $800 but then again i got the EVGA 9800GTX video card, a 1tb internal and the Intel Core 2 Quad

  11. Deathstroke44:

    my? friend bought a 7750 thats what i meant with my friend bought one lol, i realize that wasnt clear lol, sorry

  12. Deathstroke44:

    its great, newegg prices are great too? lol

  13. Deathstroke44:

    yeh i own a 9950, its faster? than a 7750 by a little bit, but only mainly shows its prowess in multithreaded app’s that use more than 2 cores. my friend bought one and it is a great processor

  14. amorgan93:


  15. amorgan93:

    7750 is a good? processor. It seems to be just as fast as my Phenom 9950 in games, and a little faster in normal use

  16. amorgan93:

    i? see

  17. Deathstroke44:

    note, thats without lag, that doesnt mean 60fps, but probly around 28-35 fps,? not bad really, esp for value.

  18. Deathstroke44:

    @MJCRO1? actually, you can…… but its not supported by ati, and ati will never admit it works.

  19. Deathstroke44:

    why in the hell would you crossfire a 2000 series with a 4000 series? the 4000 series probably generates twice the fps as a 2600xt, causing the 2600 to be a drain? on the system, if it works, thats some fkn luck you have lmao

  20. HowYea:

    Hey man? ill buy the same proc.. 7750 can you tell me its cool or something ? 😛

  21. yalman32:

    good built bro?

    congrats on value

  22. amorgan93:

    How am i supposed to? do it when its my FRIENDS computer. And we don’t live in the same house. Not been to his house in 6 months

  23. thesmith232:

    Video or it didn’t happen!

    Please show me the cards in your PC? and the GPU-z window, saying CrossFireX enabled.

  24. mr1muffin1man:

    you need a new case!?

  25. amorgan93:

    ok ur an idiot. i did it and had a 20% increase in performance. and that goes for? all of you assholes who say u cant crossfire a 2600xt and a 4850.

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