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Newegg TV: Logitech Z906 500W 5.1 Speakers Overview

Find The Lowest Price HERE 36-121-050 Here we have a Z906 500W 5.1 Speakers, made by Logitech . Check out the video for more info! Hear every detail, all around y…

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Posted March 14th, 2013 in 500 Watt Best Price. Tagged: , , , , , .


  1. mattfox14:

    Yes it plays real? dts

  2. mattfox14:

    I upgraded from the x530’s and it was really worth it these speakers are amazing?

  3. GabrielKore:

    I? stick to my z-5500.

  4. AMMW77:

    Does this play reall DTS or is it? just emulating 5.1?

  5. rubikfan1:

    0:45 thank you, first review that showed the bottem, i want this speakers so? bad, i am ganne hook it up to my ps3 and in the future to ps4(dual optical ftw).

  6. rammses1985:

    I would like to marry a? hot read head like this one.

  7. jojo84526:

    what kind of wall mounts? should i get for these

  8. drfreak640:

    i agree i would buy these speakers and would tap? πŸ˜›

  9. Tim Lam:

    very thorough, and I would tap?

  10. ThΓ nh LΓͺ:

    So… does it? actually contain awesome?

  11. Deden Mulyawan:

    I want buy Z906 is fantastic sound?

  12. capoleon187:

    oh jeez wow…your a fuckin comedian arnt u? a sit-down? comedian.

  13. matics28:

    We all? know you would well prefer watching a man.

  14. matics28:

    lol. A set of speakers with an a/v receiver will make the z906 and the Z-5500 both look like shit? in comparison.

  15. Steven Jackson:

    You can adjust the bass, via the far right button? to choose which volume you control.

  16. msgamingelite:

    Z-5500? is better!

  17. wazzap0homie:

    so… u? cant adjust the bass

  18. RobinTheSniper:

    that wasent nice and if? some one would wanna know what lang that is it starts with sw and ends with n

  19. pizzagutten1997:

    not saying that the z-906 is extreamly good πŸ˜›
    for me? they work great and i like them πŸ™‚

  20. pizzagutten1997:

    i have it with a asus xonar phoebus ROG audio card, and i am very pleased with it πŸ˜› for me it is working great πŸ™‚
    ps.? my father got a speaker system to, and thats not a cheap one πŸ˜› so i know what good sound is πŸ˜›

  21. Onesocialist:

    This system is so bad. Sound quality is too? low. D Class terrible amplifier and terrible sound. Frequency response is so bad. It use SMPS transformer. Never buy it.

  22. XAdministratorX94:

    b&w? mm1!

  23. Ryan Hagge:

    I seriously want that shirt.

  24. ITheZeeRI:

    You need? to shave !!!

  25. cursedMaul1:

    yes, if? your tv supports it.

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