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Nursing Program at Georgia State University?

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Question by sweettulipz2002: Nursing application at Georgia State University?
Hi i am currently enrolled in a commnuty faculty working to get my Pre-nursing AA. factor is i in point of fact screwed up my first two year and only managed to get a few classes out of the way partially due to pregnancy. I withdrew from several classes and they are all permant on my transcript. I really want to be a nurse and now that over this rocky bump in my life im ready to focus on school and Get things done escpcially now that I have a baby. If I complete commnunity college, get my AA and transfer to GSU’s nursing program will they settle for me even considering my withdrawls? or should i just pick another major and move on. ATL schools don’t offer very many nursing programs. GSU was all that i may find close by =/. Im confused…..

Best answer:

Answer by Tiny Werewolf
You could most likely still get accepted…Especially if you get your Associate’s degree in nursing at a community faculty. When I graduate with my Associate’s, I’m probably going to get my BSN on-line at a college like ECU. You can nonetheless go to an online college for your BSN even if its out of state (although that would be expensive). Good luck hun!

If we fail or withdraw from one magnificence at my college, we’re automatically kicked out of nursing 🙁

BTW…did you withdraw from these classes before the withdrawal period was up? Meaning the withdraws didn’t get counted as F’s?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Posted March 18th, 2012 in Nursing Programs In Georgia. Tagged: , , , , .

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