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panasonic-sc pt760 help?

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Question by Jasper the Hobo Ghost: panasonic-sc pt760 help?
it’s at a bargain price right now, and i wanted to get a low price( $ 248.95, 1000 watt 5.1 comes with HDMI Output & Ipod dock and DVD player(useless)) will it work well with a blueray player. i’m gonna use it with my samsung 40″ LCD HDTV & Blue Ray Player. maybe video games but TV speakers will be fine if necessary. plus, my room is 12 by 12. it’s like a closet HaHaHa. please help me b/c i’m planing on buying it on monday or tuesday

Best answer:

Answer by BANG P
As long as it has optical input.

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Posted October 2nd, 2012 in Bargain 1000 Watt. Tagged: , , .

One comment:

  1. A Well Lit Garden:

    The SC-PT760 is a Home Theater in a Box with a good price point. The problem with the Panasonic SC-PT760 is that it has limited input ports, like most Home Theaters in a Box. If you want to hear your TV channels and a Blue Ray DVD through your surround sound speakers, this device only has one (1) optical digital audio input. You really need two (2); one for your HD cable/satellite box or the TV if using an antenna and one from your Blue Ray player. With an external rotary optical switch, you can switch multiple optical digital audio sources to the one input on the SC-PT760 and make this system work. Here are some examples of the type of external device (TOSLINK Selector Switch) you will need to make this system work with all your audio sources:

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