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Q&A: Are online nursing degrees frowned upon?

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Question by khyoung69: Are on-line nursing degrees frowned upon?
Like a excellent majority of the world, I’m contemplating going back for a nursing degree. I’m 40 with 2 small children (5 and 3) and could like to be flexible. Are online nursing courses frowned upon? There are obviously some that require onsite training but for the ones that don’t, is that the highest approach? Are there any reputable online programs that are accredited?

Best answer:

Answer by SUSAN M
I might not say frowned upon so to speak. Unless your a paramedic or LPN I would not go to RN school online. There is, in my opinion, NO WAY they are as good as going to regular school. You dont get the chance to practice your skills as much and I am not sure how they do clinical time, which is invalualble in nursing school. You also dont have the interaction with instructors and staff like in a typical school. whilst I taught LPN school my scholars always have been asking questions about ” what if ……..” Occasionally they would stump me and I would have to go look up the answer.

If your seriously considering nursing school, take your prereqs online to help you out now. Once you get those performed your children will be a little older and maybe in school and you could go to class during the day. When I taught at the LPN school and many of my students were single moms with small kids, one of students had a baby in the middle of the semester. It is hard for them to balance work, school and family but can be done. I just think you would be higher off in a conventional program.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Posted March 18th, 2012 in Online Nursing Degrees. Tagged: , , , , .


  1. Burglary B:

    May be this site can help you

  2. littlemisscontroverse:

    To be honest I don’t even know how they even let those go. It seems ridiculous to me, I wouldn’t want a nurse who obtained her degree online.

    for the ones that don’t require on site training, how do you get your clinical hours in. I guess I just don’t understand.

    I think you should go to a conventional nursing program, no it isn’t flexible, yes it is an extremely rigid schedule but you can do it.

    My kids are 5 and 2 and I am. It’s hard and I have no clue about this fall because my schedule is about to get very extreme. But I will work it out and I’m sure you can as well. Get your pre reqs done online, because unless you have been to college already you will have a lot. and then apply for a program. you might not really see your kids for a few years but you will be doing something for their future.

    EDIT: At my school for my nursing classes, I can not pick when I go, although they are during the day right now. My adviser told me that for next fall that I can clear out my entire thursday and friday because I will have no way of knowing when my clinicals will be schedule, plus I have to go to the hospital on wednesday to pull my patients files and research everything about every drug they are on and every condition they have and write 10 page care plans. Then on Monday and Wednesday I also have classes, I am not sure when else, I think my Tuesdays are free in the fall.

    I took everything I could early and don’t get a break until Christmas except 1 week in August. But my school gets down to it. It is a satellite school (branch off of a larger university) so I suppose they have short man’s syndrome. lol.

    Oh yeah definitely get your Bachelor’s at the minimum, I know you are thinking I’m forty but it’s not like it’s that much longer.

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