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Q&A: How do these two video cards compare?

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Question by Ç???i??iØ?åì®?: How do these two video cards compare?
Of the following two video cards, which would you say is better price/performance wise, and will both of them play Call of Duty 4 at playable framerates?

MSI 9600GT 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 — $ 165 ($ 145 AR)

MSI 8800GT 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 — $ 215 ($ 185 AR)

Which would you say is the best choice for my system?
-AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 2.6GHz
-2GB of RAM (533MHz)
-500 Watt PSU

I’ve heard that both cards are practically neck and neck on benchmark tests, so in that case, the 9600GT would be the better deal. I don’t really play alot of games on my computer, but for the games I do play, I would like to have good framerates (60fps+). Most of the games I play are like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, CNC3, COD4, and the like. I watch alot more movies than I play games on my computer. So which card would you say is better for me?

Thanks for the help!
BTW, for those of you who don’t know, AR = After Rebate. And I consider playable framerates 45fps+
Also, I would like to have all settings on maximum, but low-medium settings are fine with me. And the resolution would be 1280×1024!

Thanks again for the help!

Best answer:

Answer by croyo1985
get the 8800gt. its has a faster core and is all round slightly more powerful than the 9600.

of course if moneys an issue, then the 9600gt isnt exactly a bad card.

I’m jealous either way.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Posted July 28th, 2012 in 500 Watt Compare Prices. Tagged: , , , .


  1. Tycho Blackwood:

    I would say definitely go for the 9600. Although the 8800 is faster in almost all benchmarks, your expectations and current hardware means you will get better price/performance with the 9600. ESPECIALLY when you mentioned your resolution and graphics settings preference.

  2. MKchi:

    This 8800GT is going to do a better job of maintaing good 60+ frame rates with the settings on high for the games you mentioned. An extra $ 40 AR is worth the quality boost you will get.

    The 9600GT is not a bad card but you shouldn’t settle for ok settings with good frame rates for just a few dollars more. IT is also very good that you are going with Nvidia over ATI. Sure ATI cards are cheaper, that’s because they have to be. Nvidia has been out performing ATI for years and that’s not going to change any time soon. ATI has to sell their cards for dirt cheap other wise no one would buy them.

    Bottom line, the 8800GT is a better card and is worth the money.

  3. MIRO:

    i would go for the 8800. current 9600s do not even reach the 8800s’ performance.
    also, i would not get msi. try getting a more serious brand like BFG or XFX. Even Gainward are good.

    or you should also consider Ati’s 3870 or 3870×2


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