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Q&A: I need help finding a part time RN program in California?

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Question by snow: I want help finding a section time RN software in California?
I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on the highest way to earn my RN going to school part time. I have an associate level at Mt. Sac and finished some prerequisite for the program. But Mt. Sac College offer best full time rn program. I live in Rowland Hts, so closer to the city is better, although I’d be willing to commute. Any lend a hand or suggestions may be helpful. Thanks in develop.

Best answer:

Answer by Jill
I suppose you need to clarify with your school what their definition of “full time” is.

From a school’s perspective full-time is usually 12 credit per semester minimum as you advance towards the degree. . . that’s assuming you are starting from scratch and have to whole ALL the normal education classes AND nursing courses in that same time frame of two years.

If you already have finished your general training requirements for the degree and only need to take the nursing courses, then there is no need to attend “full time”. Nursing courses are sequenced and will be completed in 2 years (4 semesters in a semester based program). You might only need to take 7-10 credits of nursing courses per semester, which is part time. You’d have classes 1-2 days per week on campus and then 1 day of clinicals (this is how most programs paintings anyway).

I hope that makes sense. Talk to your school’s academic advisors to ask how this would work in your circumstances given that you hold the Assoc. Degree already.

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Posted May 1st, 2012 in Rn Programs In California. Tagged: , , , , , , .


  1. cristina g:

    Have you tried occupational centers. Like SCROC(Torrance, Ca) they offer meaning different programs and provide hands on training with internships. They offer licensing and certifications. There is one in San Gabriel Valley. Best of luck

  2. Micheal:

    RN information

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