Q&A: Kicker L7 15″ subwoofer help please!?
Question by mattskity: Kicker L7 15″ subwoofer help please!?
i bought a blazer and i want a system for it…i bought a Kicker L7 15 inch woofer and the peak is 2000 watts
….my question is who sells the cheapest, most dependable amp thats at least 1400w
and also what are nice sounding aftermarket door speakers
…im not loaded with cash
(obviously…i just bought a car and a 15″ sub)
i have around $ 500 left altogether
and i might also need a new dock but i can get one from my friend easily so that shouldn’t be a problem
thanks guys
so im looking for ohms for power and not watts?
i mean rms not ohms
Best answer:
Answer by sean d
are you going to put that sub in a ported or sealed box, and is it 2 or 4 om dvc? 2ohm dvc can be wired 4ohm or 1ohm and 4ohm dvc can be wired 8 ohm or 2 ohm
first of all 2000 wats is the max and that means nothing, but if you do run 2000w your sub will be blown quick. look at the rms for it the sub ported is 700rms and sealed is 1000. i use a
HIFONICS BRUTUS BXI 1208D MONO CLASS D CAR AMP 900w at 2ohm, only 200 on ebay.
rms is the watts your speaker can handle without blowing your sub, max watts will blow your sub so rms not max
the ohms is what you need to look at when buying your amp if its wired 2ohm and you get a amp that is only 4ohm you will have a blown sub or a blown amp match the ohm from your sub to your amp
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ebay. always the best deals
September 1st, 2012 at 8:28 am