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Q&A: laptop ac adapter?

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Question by ihatey!asnitches: laptop ac adapter?
i have an acer computer, and i had the original computer cord that came with it and it just burn out. i need to get a new one and when i was looking in the stores they had 70 watt, 80 watt, 100 watts, and even 1000 watts. but i have an adapter that is for 65 watts. i dont want to buy online for different reasons and would perfer to not have to have it shipped.

but my question is…if i get a 70 watt even though i have a 65 watt, will it damage my computer?

one sales associate said that it wouldnt, and another said it might and i shouldnt take the risk. what do you think or know?

Best answer:

Answer by mick f
u can get a new adapter on line they are only about 65 dollars stick to the make and model u have u dont want to burn up ur chargeing supply i have i’ll look for the place where i got mine on line and post here for u

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Posted September 17th, 2012 in 1000 Watt For Sale Online. Tagged: , .


  1. Deborah:

    go to radio shack and they will get the exact cord you need. complete with the proper +/- connectors

  2. ran:

    for ac power adapter, it is advisable to replace it with the same voltage rating eg. 65 watt 20 volt 1.6 amp etc.
    my last experience was it can be used but after some time it damage the some of the laptop component

  3. iam2raww:

    yes, keep lookng for 65 watts

  4. masty:

    WHY ??
    Use the same as manufacture specification ,you can buy some online but every notebook model (if you look it up) have its own power supply ..I do not recommend it ,it may works may burn your battery may……

  5. Mark L:

    see a good resource for buying laptop adapters for the acer.

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