Q&A: What is the difference between a powered subwoofer and the “non” powered subwoofers?
Question by Jacob B: What is the difference between a powered subwoofer and the “non” powered subwoofers?
I’m looking to replace my sony subwoofer which came with my packaged surround sound system which has 1000 total watts. I’ve read a lot of good reviews on the Klipsch 10inch Powered Subwoofer.” Built-in BASH digital amplifier supplies 420 watts peak power, 200 watts RMS (continuous)” What does that mean?
Best answer:
Answer by J M
A powered sub has its own amp and usually is fed from a pre amp
non powered subs take a high powered fed from the main amp.
Replace with similar to the original sub.
Peak power is the maximum power the amp can deliver for a short period.
RMS stands for root mean square The rms of a sine wave gives the eqivallent power to that measured in a DC circuit.
If you compare equipment its best to compare RMS.
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