Q&A: What is the best brand of amps and speakers you can buy?
Question by jason b: What is the best brand of amps and speakers you can buy?
I just bought an eclipse dual 12″ sub enclosure with two eclipse SW6124BXD subs in it. The subs can handle over 500 watts, so should Just get a 500 watt amp or something higher. Also do i use a 4 guage amp kit, or and 8 guage? Oh yhea should I get another amp just for the regular speaker in my car cause I like to blast my music and my car dosent have an amp in it, and after getting some new rear speakers about a month ago they are starting to blow compleatly. Someone please help me out!
Best answer:
Answer by Chevy Mami
Well it depends on how loud you want it I think a 1000 watt amp is pretty OK for 2 12″ speakers. loud enough to set off peoples car alarms when you drive by but not loud enough to get you sent to jail. Now about the amp for the inside of your car, when you got your subs put in they should have connected all of your speakers to one amp to make one sound. If they didn’t, Go get your money back Homey you got played!
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