Where Can I buy a 500 Watt Step Down Voltage Transformer in Atlanta, GA?
Question by : Where Can I buy a 500 Watt Step Down Voltage Transformer in Atlanta, GA?
Going to China in 24hrs & just figured out I need it & I don’t have time to order it online.
I Don’t need a Converter Set or an Adapter. I have those. I need a STEP DOWN TRANSFORMER because I want to use a power strip for multiple appliances because I going to be in China for a while. Again there its a difference between a voltage converter and a Transformer.
Best answer:
Answer by Joy Booboo
I bought a 220 to 110 volt step down transformer in Singapore so I am sure you will be able to get one in China, probably cheaper than USA.
Plus they are very heavy to transport – especially on an aircraft.
Edit: They work in reverse so if you don’t sell it in China or abandon it possibly might find a use for it or sell it to someone who wants a step up transformer.
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