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Posts Tagged ‘D10A’

Montarbo D10A FiveO Series 10″ 500W Active Speaker

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Montarbo D10A FiveO Series 10″ 500W Active Speaker

  • Active speaker
  • Acoustically data: frequency response [-10dB] 65Hz – 20Khz/ max SPL 120dB/ HF 1×1″/ HF voice coil 1″/ crossover frequency 2.5Khz/ LF 10″/ LF voice coil 2″
  • Amplifier: amp Class D + AB/ Peak power 500W (400W + 100W)/ RMS power 250W (200W + 50W)
  • Input section: signal input: combo – line in/ signal out: XLR – Link
  • Processor: controller – volume/ switch-on control with Green LED/ clip Limiter/ Red LED/ ground lift

It was back in the early 1950s that Sergio Montanari built his first sound amplification systems, under the name “Super MB”, and later “Montarbo”. Our trademark was introduced in 1962. Montarbo owed much of its early success to a special product: an innovative device that quickly made the company famous in Italy and the world. It was a special powered mixer featuring a revolutionary ergonomic principle. A six-channel mixer, a 100-watt power amp and a “magnetic-memory” echo unit were built into a

List Price: $ 779.87

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