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Posts Tagged ‘plugs’

Q&A: Is it possible to use a portable solar device to put electricity into my house via plugs?

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Question by socalgirl: Is it possible to use a portable solar device to put electricity into my house via plugs?
I live in an apartment that has a small South facing porch, in Southern California. I’d like to use solar to decrease my monthly electric bill. Without buying a rooftop system (it’s not my roof, it must be portable), what can I get to plug into my existing sockets, to decrease my monthly electricity bill? (I already buy carbon credits and have special plugs to reduce drain from energy vampires).

Best answer:

Answer by JOHNNIE B
Corbin credits is just stealing from U. God with the help of plants recycle CO2 .By photosynthesis the plants recycles CO2 and gives us O2. That O2 has been recycled millions of times.The plant keeps the C and when the plant dies it will break down into fossil fuels.

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