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Posts Tagged ‘shoot’

Whats the best way to light up a product for a photo shoot?

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Question by Fafafooey: Whats the best way to light up a product for a photo shoot?
I work for a small company and I have multiple light stands with two 500 watt lights, more for lighting an area than photo shoots. We have a white product with black background but the photos looked yellow. Taking off the protective grill was a good step, but there are also strange shadows that 1000 watts isn’t strong enough to fully remove.

Long question short, how do I whiten the picture or at least cheaply cover the lights with keeping in mind the lights are hot!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Edwin
Get a copy of the Oct. 2007 issue of Shutterbug Magazine. Its their annual lighting issue. You can also read it at

The yellow tint sounds like a white balance problem unless you’re using film. For indoor work your film should be tungsten balanced. Using daylight film indoors will result in color shifts to the yellow/orange range.

If using a digital camera check your WB settings – refer to your Owner’s Manual for directions. There is a product called an ExpoDisc ( to set WB under mixed lighting conditions. It was reviewed in Shutterbug a couple of months ago.

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