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Posts Tagged ‘suggestions’

Q&A: What’s an easy way to earn extra cash online? W/O having to sell online or involving sells? Any Suggestions?

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Question by Kristie: What’s an easy way to earn extra cash online? W/O having to sell online or involving sells? Any Suggestions?
What’s an easy way to earn extra cash online? W/O having to sell online or involving sells? Any Suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by janey
earn easy money, register @

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Add your own answer in the comments!

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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What’s an easy way to earn extra cash online? W/O having to sell online or involving sells? Any Suggestions?

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FREE Videos “REVEAL” How To Build Cash Sucking Amazon Affiliate Sites That Each Crank Out $ 150 to $ 700 A Month On Complete Auto-Pilot at

Question by Cecilia: What’s an easy way to earn extra cash online? W/O having to sell online or involving sells? Any Suggestions?
What’s an easy way to earn extra cash online? W/O having to sell online or involving sells? Any Suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Change Your Life
I started a home based business with a company that is 100% free and totally different. It’s legitimate and not like anything else around. There is nothing to sell, no meetings, and all the tools are free. It’s an honest company with good morals and we are trying to help everyone who wants to work at home and make some extra money. Again it’s free so you have nothing to lose.

It is possible to work for an honest company, at home with no cost. No matter what people may say. Let me know if you want more info.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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Q&A: any suggestions for a car amplifier?

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Question by Chevy Boy: any suggestions for a car amplifier?
i was going to put 2 kicker L7’s in my truck, they’re the older version, i assume 2005-06 models powered by an alpine 1000 watt amp on sale secondhand for $ 400. but i found 2 brand new 2008 models for $ 400 online at, i’d rather get those but i have no idea what amp i could use to push them. i know i could use the kicker ZX2500.1 but that’s well beyond my price range. can anyone suggest an amp that would work out?

Best answer:

Answer by Tom F
I assume you are refering to Solo-Baric 12″ L7s with 750w RMS power handling capacity.

For these subs I would get a strong 2 channel amplifer (assuming there are 2 inputs, 1 for each sub). Alternatively you can get 2 mono’s to power each separately but this would require 2 RCAs rather than 1. However, to make use of the full potential of the subs you would want to give at least 500w RMS each and a 2 channel with at least 500w RMS x 2 is very hard to come across – so maybe 2 mono’s will be easier to source.

I would go with JBL, Pioneer or Alpine – all quality brands (although the last is considerably more expensive). Remember that you should get a good amp for those subs – buying an underpowered one will waste the potential of the kickers.

What do you think? Answer below!

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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